Thursday, May 23, 2024

Occultist Jose Gifreda

Q.  Hi Lynn, Could you do a reading on José Gifreda, a Catalan occultist and alchemist? In Parisian occult circles he was considered a “teacher of teachers".  He said that he discovered the philosopher's stone and that he often had conversations with a spirit in his study.

Thank you.

A.  This may not be the answer you are seeking, but I would steer clear of anyone who claims to be an occultist, especially if they claim to have conversations with a spirit during occult activities.  If someone is dabbling in the occult world and practicing alchemy, the knowledge gleaned isn't coming from a godly source.  If they are hearing conversations with a spirit while proacting occult skills, I'm certain this isn't angelic.  I would be concerned associating or aspiring to mimic any of this parson's activities.  

I realize that people with this type of knowledge or ability can be fascinating.  I don't want this to sound like a lecture, but this is exactly how the devil will lure you in. He will lead you down a path, show you some "parlor tricks" and entice others to want to follow and learn.  

Rather than look to the occult world, I'd love to focus on things that feel to be more holy or are in line with life and living.  Maybe even a testimonial or someone who beat the odds and is alive with God's grace.

I think I will close, and I apologize for not aligning with the energy of this question.  I am hopeful my response will touch the right person that needed to hear it.


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Robert Schoen said...

Everyone's looking for answers everywhere except the best place, which is within themselves. For many, occult types seem to be the only sources out there that delve deeper into the mysteries of life, as the Church seems boring or corrupt, but the world is in a spiritual war right now and these "occultists" are running things all around the world. killing babies and trying to disconnect everyone from their souls and true spirituality. Humanity needs miracles, not magic tricks which these shamans offer, For a miracle go take a walk in nature and you'll see a lot of them everywhere.

SB said...


Have a listen if you can this guy is very spiritual and he is getting this about the future….

Guedes de Miranda said...

Also unknown is why, in a certain location in the Gulf of Guinea, there is a frequent (every 26 seconds) little Earthquake. This is known for approximately 60 yars now, but no plausible cause could be identified. My guess, has it sthg to do with our planet's frequency? But why there and not in earth's centre? Thanks for thi reading! ( )

Yad said...

Hi Lynn, it was me who sent this question.

This change that you have done reminds me of Doreen Virtue. She was a charming woman full of love and positivity; she channeled angels, ascended masters, fairies and other spiritual beings.

Then, suddenly, she turned her back on everything and became preaching about Jesus and God. From one day to the next the only way was Jesus and God, and almost all the rest was evil. Some examples:

- Yoga is pagan idolatry, you shouldn’t do yoga. “Namaste” and “ohm” are blasphemous worship of a false god.
- You should not channel because the only good messages come from God and Jesus. Suddenly good aliens, good spirits and ascended masters are demons that want to deceive us. You shouldn’t even call upon angels because “not one person in the Bible calls upon angels”.
- You should not let your children watch Harry Potter because they are inviting dark magic.
- At least we can use crystals because “crystals and gemstones are described in positive terms throughout the Bible”.
- Of course you won’t find God in Buddhism, Hinduism or paganism, Christianity is the only way to God.
- The same goes for astrology, Hoponopono, Family constellations, Reiki…

I understand that you can be tired of dark topics (even though the blog is full of posts related to darkness, because it is what is happening in today’s world and your readers want to know the truth about what is happening) but closing the door to knowledge because the devil can be behind… I don’t know...

I didn’t ask that question to start following the practices of a dead occultist, I thought that it was an interesting topic like many others that used to be in the blog. I understand that you may want to center in lighter topics but rejecting this topic because you think that people could be interested in inviting demons rather than learning or reading something interesting that we can’t read in other places… Also alchemy is not evil, can be evil or can be sacred depending on what your intentions are.

Well, I will close with a suggestion for a topic: Amma, the Hugging Saint. She is full of love and everyone that has hugged her can tell that! Could you tell us more about her?

Thank you anyways for all your readings!

Guedes de Miranda said...

post scriptum: there's a group of lined up volcanic islands in the area called "Cameroon Line" in the Guinea Gulf area. But volcanism is extinct and it is much smaller than the Haway Islands and connected Emperor seamounts chain, which BTW don't emit this rhytmic tremor pattern at all. Thanks

Robert Schoen said...

@Yad, as someone who grew up in the Fifties, I always felt it was absurd that Christianity was the only path to God, so everyone else in the world: Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims,Jews be damned. I traveled around the world in 1982 to understand the common core of spiritualism practiced by all people. I think many in my generation and those later rejected the Church they grew up in as part of the journey of self discovery. The world is a wondrous place with mysteries and deeper truths and being interested in the unknown isn't negated by a return to faith, or recognizing that centuries of collective spiritualism has validity and even becomes a necessity in a time when organized evil is running rampant in which even the current Pope is a big part of that corruption. The endless wars throughout centuries of European history was a metric of the dark forces that controlled rulers and perhaps why collective prayer in the Church was the only way for ordinary people to stand up against evil. I don't know anything about Doreen Virtue but I still believe in all those things you mentioned. I think that we are at a tipping point in which really evil people at the top are trying to ruin things for everyone and it is important that humanity learns to collectively project and focus their intent for a better world. In Western culture, Christianity is the biggest megaphone to do so.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Thanks so much for your comments. I absolutely agree with walking in nature to cleanse from the heaviness around us and be more in tune with yourself. I also appreciate your second comment- that is EXACTLY what led me back to Christianity. I did explore, and rejected religion for a long time. It was when they demonized Christians as of late that I realized there must be something there. It is the one thing that does give me solace and make me feel like I (along with millions of others) fight the evils. We are like minded (at least in my tiny country church of about 60 people) of how the world should be and how far we have gotten off track. I want to get back to the core values and family. All this other stuff is just a distraction for the devil to come in.

@SB: Thanks for sharing!

@Guedes: Thank you for sharing. I will save this for a future post. Interesting!!

@Yad: I do realize that wasn't the answer you were seeking. I even stated that in the post. This answer wasn't meant to inflame or disrespect the question. I know many are curious about the darker occult activities. In my heart I needed to express my thoughts. We cannot keep entertaining anything dark or even borderline dark. It is a slippery slope and I am deeply concerned with or world. Alchemy should not be played with- it is a form of magic itself. I do appreciate you as a long time blog member, and I mean no disrespect to you at all. I hope you do understand.

jetpakrat said...

Lynn and everyone:
Everything is ok and God’s Love does and always will reign supreme.
As trite and possibly “simpleminded” as that can be viewed (by the demented cool kid culture we live in-recent “art” articles anyone?) it is the truth. We are living this final showdown and time grows short.

We are all in a world that has done EVERYTHING in its (now waining-that’s what I’m giving my power of belief to) dark power to corrupt and confuse the path to peace and truth (awakening, enlightenment, whatever name comes the closest but never seems to quite fit exactly). Pull back and look at the looong view. It can be hard to see.
To those not communing with Christ and building that defense on a constant basis, the evil is an all consuming onslaught that uses EVERY experience to gain even the smallest foothold which soon can grow out of control. And when you’re surrounded by lies and obfuscation where would be the marker for This End Up???
This isn’t a matter of is my Christ better than your Buddha. Honestly I’m not sure I’d try and convince someone otherwise while my own struggle to communicate clearly with God can be a battle.

I almost wonder if in Lynn’s life journey, that she has so kindly and selflessly shared all these years, if she doesn’t have a twinge of misgiving about some of the lesser things she’s read on. I’m not saying that bc I believe she should I’m just guessing at the convictions of my own heart for the many things I have shared and said and done (and continue to do) that have not been in service to God. The dark and wacky is what brought me here.
Now before you go think I’m a religious fanatic or out of touch pious preacher it needs to be known I’m a pot smoking foul mouthed monster of unPC hilarity and chaos. Ugh not good and who is this tirade really for??
NOTHING (absolutes are allowed in matters of the eternal ha) matters more than the individual soul recognizing Creator God and coming back to the heart where we are all one.

Coming from the family business being church I can only reflect on my time with organized religion.
Spent my entire life there (Baptist), was hs youth leader (Methodist) for 7 years when my daughter was young but am unlikely to ever want to go back. My favorite bumper sticker has always been - Jesus save me from your followers.
As I always told the youth kids - Man will let you down but Christ is perfect and constant in His Love.
And man do I get tired of men (ppl not gender). But as stated- I’m a bhole in my own right soooo…..

This doesn’t quite touch on what I wanted but I have been needing to chime in for support of Lynn’s whole hearted shift to God. It may not be as wild or inflammatory or arousing as delving into darker subjects, but as time draws near there is nothing as valuable as your soul’s future. I feel like that might be behind the knee jerk reaction to shutting this question down and focusing her answer wholly on God.

Nature is the closest tangible we have of God’s gift of Love for us. Go eat a dandelion, get bit by a mosquito and laugh-it’ll do good and show what’s real.
(and yes I also thought of the robotic/modified mosquitoes and poisoned soil/plants…like I said corrupt at every single opportunity)
But I do know who wins and I’m trying to make sure I’m supporting that side.

Much Love and gratitude to all - J

Truth & light said...

I still believe religion is trying to put God in a religious box. Why place God in a religious box?! Theres a lot of wolf in sheep’s clothing under the disguise of christianity. I do not believe there is one path to God either.

There is no religion in nature - nature welcomes all. I believe the same for God, the master creator/source.

Ive always heard/read Christianity was introduced to africans around slavery. Any truth to that?!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@jetpakrat: Thank you so much for the beautiful comment! I really appreciate you sharing and taking time to write this. I also appreciate the support. We all have our own sins to bear and work through - no one is perfect as you said. Finding a path to God will be what helps us to fight the evil that surrounds us. Hugs-

@Truth and Light- I believe the path to God is through your heart and living a life that honors him. I have not heard that Christianity was introduced to africans during slavery time (I honestly don't think we have even been given the full truth of slavery but that is a different post). I'd need to do some reading and thinking on that.