Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Kate Middleton - The REAL Truth

In reading a comment thread I was surprised to see that Kate Middleton allegedly was found to have overdosed on sleeping pills and THAT is the real reason we haven't seen her in 2024.  Wow!

As soon as I heard this, my gut knew that THIS is why we haven't seen her.  I sense she may be with us, but I think she is being on life support with hopes of a divine recovery.  "The truth can run naked, but lies need covered up" and plenty of covering up has occurred.  They have lied about her whereabouts, had fake photos and AI generated messages.  

They want so hard to push a narrative that she is having a preventative cancer therapy, but nothing seems right- because it isn't.  Even royalty that are ill show a glimpse of themselves, but she is absent.

The real question I ask is, How did this overdose happen? Did she "accidently" put too many in her hand?  Did she forget she took some, so took more?   Did someone assist her with medications and give her too many?  Or, did she knowingly make an irreversible decision? 

I think the later two are plausible, and the last thought is probable.  

This happened around the time Charles announced his health issues, which put all eyes on the next in line- her and her hubby.  With the next in line being groomed, it also opened hidden knowledge, training and practices that align with the duties of King and the highest public seat.  I sense when Kate realized her fate, she didn't want to follow those steps and the weight, burden and stress become too much.  Evil can be evil, but a good heart surrounded by evil can tear at a soul. 

Prayers to Kate and I hope some is able to find the peace she seeks. 


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Me too said...

Prayers to Kate

Pat said...

Thanks for your input, Lynn. I'm afraid the firm was trying to steal her soul or mental energy or something. I read too that unfortunately Charlotte discovered her mother and went to get help. Haven't seen recent photos of the children either since December.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Me Too: Yes, most definitely.

@Pat: This whole thing is horrible and I do feel for those kids. They were born into this...