Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Food Pyramid Was Also a Lie - Diabetes

Q. Hi Lynn can you do a post on Sugar Defender?  It is supposed to cure diabetes. Is it real or a scam?

A. In looking at this question I would first ask if you want to heal diabetes or just mask it?  If you truly want to cure or manage diabetes it will require a change in your way of life.  A shot, pill or drop is just a short cut to a perceived improvement, but doesn't actually address the source.  

Do you want to stop having insulin spikes, normalize hormones, reduce inflammation, rid excess weight and just feel better?  If so you have to change how you see food and give up sugar.  All of it.  You also have to give up artificial sweeteners.  They are poison to the body and we weren't designed to process them.  In the event you are craving some sweetness opt for real sugar that doesn't impact insulin such as monk fruit (from a plant) or stevia (also from a plant and can be grown in porch pots).  

Focus on "real food" and read food labels. More importantly, read the sugar and carbohydrate content and stay away from things that contain more than a gram or two. Think in terms of shopping the perimeter of the store - meat, dairy and produce.  If you venture into the inner isles try to stick to canned veggies, frozen veggies and the essentials.   

Are you feeling overwhelmed yet?  An easier way to meal plan is to seek out a keto (or paleo) structure.  We were duped a long time ago with the food pyramid thinking we needed bread and grains, but have you ever heard of an essential carb?  The answer is no.  This started when lobbyists pushed cereals and other break-fast foods  (note the word comes from breaking your natural fast during sleep).  The amount of sugar and carbs in many of these foods would be equal to eating a chocolate cake with frosting, but the marketing was stellar. 

We DO have essential fatty acids though because our brains and nerves need fats.  When you slowly convert to burning ketones from fats versus glucose you will think more clearly and be less hungry because the liver is satiated. The current marketing which is full of sugar just makes you want more sugar because the liver keeps sending signals to the brain that it needs more. We were created as hunters/gatherers and not supposed to eat snacks and junk all day (another dupe to sell this stuff).  You ate when you found food, and preserved what you could.  You ate berries including the fiber rather than cups of sweet fructose filled juice (which spikes insulin and triggers hunger).    

Our food has been manipulated so far from what it used to be that it has become detrimental to our health.  It is time to reclaim and empower yourself to feel your best self, but it will require work and mindfulness.

[I'm not a doctor and would ask everyone to do their own research.  I will say I've studied health for years and do offer wellness coaching to help people with health goals and weight loss.  There is so much more to this topic such as the benefits of fasting, intermittent fasting, autophagy, etc. but I don't want to totally overwhelm you.]


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Robert Schoen said...

I find grapefruit is a great way to ween yourself off the sugar treadmill. Also Quinoa and Farro are good substitutes for bread. Some say coffee raises insulin levels

God Wins said...

I went back to school to become a holistic nutritionist. Even then I could not find a solution for my autoimmune disease mystery illness. I tried all the ways of eating, supplements, reiki sessions, acupuncture, psychics, holy water...still dealing with this mystery illness and was at the mercy of what seemed like random flare ups that left me incapacitated.

5 months ago I tried carnivore. It has been TRANSFORMATIONAL for me. Lost 40lb, 20+ yrs depression and suicide ideation in remission, mystery autoimmune illness and all the flare ups in remission.

Food is medicine. The wild thing is to read the YT commentary on doctors who promote Carnivore. The anecdotes are so wild, it is almost comical: restored eyesight, restored hearing, cancelling surgeries due to healing, back pain gone, diabetes reversed, staggering weight loss, huge energy increase...you get the picture.

God Wins said...

Also, full moon last night. Lots of bizarre things afoot. Rahb-eye
Shh-moo-Lee dressing up in costume for PURE-im as a Can-dasss Oh-wins Christian bluhd-drinking Joo. Artist formerly known as Puff Daddy's homes being raised, 2 of his children arrested while he has fled to Cape verde. (Bad man! Likely a fall guy for higher ups feeling the heat, but he has been a bad puppet: murders, sexual grooming of young men including Justin Bieber, known for wild gay orgies at his houses, human traff-IQUE-ing)

Wild wild stuff!

Guedes de Miranda said...

A new book questions the Hiroshima Atomic bomb theory condirming Lynn's assessment on the topic:"Was the world led around by the nose for 80 years? Authors present evidence that an atomic bomb was never dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.(
Hiroshima revised
The evidence for napalm and mustard gas instead of radiation
By Michael Palmer &
Franklin Stahl
PaperbackUSD 20.08)
Thanks for this reading!!

Me too said...

I am trying to make my own bread now, plus eggs have been a huge ally, everyday in the morning

Truth & light said...

Lynn, it seems 2024 is a year of revelations - revealing truths. Thoughts.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I'm glad you found something that works good for you. What we put in our body is SO important. Sugar really is horrible for you regardless of how healthy you are.

@God wins: Thanks so much for the testimony. I've heard GREAT things about carnivore!

@Me too: Eggs are great. There are some great bread recipes out there, and if you make it yourself you can pronounce all the ingredients!

@Truth and light: So true!

MJ said...

Late to comment here. My dad had diabetes and while he was on med in the beginning, he also exercised more daily and cut down ALL processed sugar, condensed milk and cut down carbohydrates like rice n bread. Limit to certain fruits. He cured it within a yr or so and has never gotten it back. It's been more than 10 yrs now. Diet n exercise are very important. We don't need to depend only on meds.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@MJ: You are right and congrats to your dad!!