Monday, January 22, 2024

Where's Waldo on the Debt Clock?

Many of you have heard of the game, Where's Waldo.  There is a site out there showing the US Debt Clock.  It can be found at  It used to be a normal website that showed LOTS of information regarding the valuation (or rather devaluation) of money, metals, debt, inflation, etc.  NOW they have a "secret window" on the top right side of the page.  

This site is like a Where's Waldo of what is going on.  

A few weeks ago there was a very satanic image of the white house when you clicked "the secret window."  NOW it depicts a clear message on the New World Order.  I would encourage you to go to this site and explore the current state of our world.  There are other cryptic messages also embedded (and this site is serving as a "message board" for those in the know.)


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Robert Schoen said...

Those rolling numbers make my dry from winter skin itch.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I know, right? It is a lot of info, but I wanted to share. I really sense they are using this as some kind of message board to one another. My husband has looked at this site for years, and they never used to do the "secret window." Someone else has clearly wanted to add stuff to this..