I have been pondering this, and it strikes me how everything seems to be intentionally designed to expose people to as much radiation as possible. Let me take a few examples:
- Early smartphones had a built-in FM radio receiver, so you didn't need to use mobile data to listen to the radio.
- You could share a cellphone's internet with a laptop via usb, but as far as I know, that is no longer possible. If it was, people could connect their cellphones to internet through usb connectors on buses and trains meaning far less radiation.
- iPads are pure evil. Normally you don't spend that much time with your cellphone close to your head, but iPads because of the larger display, entice people to spend hours upon hours with their head close to the device watching movies or playing games.
- Also, the way websites have evolved exacerbates the radiation exposure. In the early days of internet you downloaded a page and that was it. No more data exchange needed. Nowadays websites are designed so that there is lots of data being exchanged in the background after the page has loaded. Meaning if you're on a cellphone, it will continue to emit radiation after the page has loaded. One example is how the google search engine offers suggestions in the search field as you type.
- Also, people reported in early 2020 that their cellphones and nearby cell towers suddenly began to emit higher levels of radiation than normal. Apparently, mobile devices use a signal amplitude many thousand times higher than what they need to function properly.
What are your thoughts on this?
A. In short, they have no regard for us or our health. The evil that rule the world care about money, and they also make money on the problems they create. Someone made a bunch of money or were lobbied to push this infrastructure and big pharma makes out on the backend (Cancer treatments can cost over a million dollars per person). The evil have mastered how to make money creating the problem and make money on the havoc they created. Money in itself is not evil, but those that love money are. The evil of the world have created a win-win scenario. (And it doesn't stop with cell phones. They have manipulated our water, food, air and healthcare).
1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
So, how do you defend against this? Educate yourself and do what you can to limit your exposure. Some things can be easy, while other methods are more difficult due to logistics. Don't feel discouraged though because anything you do will help you in the end. Even if you cannot eliminate radiation, you can work to lessen and mitigate it.
- Use speakerphone when you can versus putting the phone on your head. The next best are corded earbuds versus airpods.
- Turn wifi off at night to lessen the activity within your home.
- Try not to sleep near smart meters or electronics.
- Don't consistently carry your phone on yourself and when you do try not to put it near your heart or reproductive organs. (Ladies, don't put your phone in your bra.)
- When seeking out a home, apartment, etc, try to find one that isn't close to a cell tower or electric substation.
- *Occasionally take a bath with 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup Epsom salts to pull out toxins.
- Be mindful with unnecessary x-rays or mammograms. (I could do a whole post on this and my own experience.)
*I'm not a doctor and have never had an issue with these baths, but like everything out there they have warnings. Please read up on this before you try: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321398
And with that, thanks for taking time to read my post. Have a great day.
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I hardly ever use my cellphone without holding it at a distance with speaker, but computer screens are inevitable. I've always distrusted Apple products. I like the tip to turn off wifi at night but it's hard in a home with others who might be mad you did it. Oh well...
We are luck to live on a townhome with 2 floors. I keep the phones and computer downstairs oveernight (and the rules are enforced specially for the kids)
@Robert: I'm right there with you. I try not to carry it, and try to use speaker or wired earphone when talking. The screens are hard to deal with, but I'm not sure a work around yet.
@Anon: Great idea! I'm glad you have a good system to rest your body from it at night.
My daughter uses blue light-blocker glasses when on the computer. I haven't tried it but it sounds like a good idea if it works.
I never even had a cell phone. We only have a landline, no wi-fi, though we are stuck with a smart meter which is at the other end of our apartment complex. Last I looked, the nearest cell phone tower was about 1/2 mile away, though I have no clue if that's changed. We don't have wireless anything in the flat. We don't even have a telly. We don't play. . .in so many ways. But we do virtually live on the computers, so. . .
Smart meters are a real nuisance. In Europe, the EU has ruled that electricity consumption must be measured in realtime. This is also part of a transformation of energy infrastructure to a more resilient and decentralized state, where e.g. houses with solar panels can share their surplus energy with neighbours. Unfortunately electricity suppliers have deemed wirelessly connected meters to be the most feasible solution to the new demands. I know in the early 21th century that energy consumption data was being transmitted through the electric grid itself. I think this should still be possible.
@Robert: You really do have to block these rays if you are behind a computer for a long time. I get really dry eye if I don't protect my eyes.
@Push those Buttons: It is hard to get totally away. I say do what you can. Some things are just not in our control.
@enlightened one: It is getting like that in the states too. I hate it.
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