Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Let the WWF Political Rumble Begin!

Ever hear of the WWF Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania?  I'm not sure what drew me in to this spectator sport, but I was infatuated.  I even wrote Hulk Hogan a get-well letter when Andre the Giant hurt him in Wrestlemania III.  (To this day I still have the postcard that was mailed back thanking me for the support!)

As I stood doing dishes last night I was listening to Youtube in the background. I overheard a political discussion where Trump was being endorsed by Vivek.  At one point Trump referred to "Sleepy Joe."  I've always said this is an illusion by design and ALL of this political garbage is part of the illusion, but in that moment I realized we as a nation have evolved into a Political Wrestlemania.  Just as the WWF had Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Hacksaw Jim Dugan and the Junk Yard Dog, the Political Rumble has actors like "Sleepy Joe" and "Lying Ted."  The way they stood on stage gave an appearance of Vivek being Trump's tag team partner. This entire thing is the new age WWF designed to suck people in just as the old school version sucked me in as a kid.  Instead of Hulkamania and Hulksters we have MAGA.  Even Q played a role to help create a hero versus adversary. These political figures are nothing more than concocted actors and a total emotional distraction of what is really going on in the world.  

As a kid I thought the WWF was real until my dream of seeing them in real life was realized and  burst my bubble.  It was like learning the truth of Santa, Easter Bunny and Toothfairy all over again.  I suspect many people don't want to wake up to the reality of this world and enjoy the excitement of the Political Rumble.  They don't want to change their perspective and be forced to change their paradigm as I had done with the WWF reality.

Don't get sucked in to this.  See it for what it is.  This is ALL entertainment and nothing is real.  All the actors are just different sides of the same coin!!  Don't allow yourself to be fooled.  I'm sure new "characters" with cute "names" will continue to emerge.  Just watch... 


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The enlightened one said...

WWF feels very far removed from the love-and-light style of your blog, so this must have been many, many years ago. I'm guessing in the 80's or 90's?

Trump is a great PR person and of course he tries his best to create as much drama and commotion as possible and use it to draw people in. And the newspapers are following along with it because drama sells.

Robert Schoen said...

I think Trump learned long ago the only way to get National news coverage was to start an incendiary feud with another personality like Rosie O'donald just to get his name out and to become a known entity and now he's stuck with playing the obnoxious bully which is exactly like Championship wrestling. I just hope that behind the act he's the real deal. One thing for sure, they've perfected brainwashing to have people follow Obama, Bush, fake Biden or whatever else they want people to believe. I now think when people get "Triggered" by what you say and act angry, it's like you're waking them from a sound sleep and that's why they react so strongly. If someone starts telling me how much they love Biden or whoever I'll just laugh or feel sorry for them, so why the hell do they call them "Woke" when they're anything but.

The enlightened one said...

Just came across this vid... Have you seen it? Totally priceless! 😂😄
A participant says "go fuck yourself" to Claus Swab at the recent WEF meeting.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: It was decades ago.. I was probably 10 or 11 and I'm 47 so... yeah- long time ago. lol

@Robert: They call them woke b/c it is opposite world. They are truly like walking zombies absent of any free thought.

@enlightened one: OMGosh - that video is fricking hilarious!!