Tuesday, January 2, 2024

LED Lights - A Different Light Trap

How many of you have LED lighting in your home?  The popular switch from the old-fashioned bulbs to LED is more than just being "efficient."

When people work and live with a lot of LED lighting versus natural light, you will start to slowly (and sometimes not so slowly) notice a difference.  You may notice slight headaches or even vision issues.  As an experiment when you have those experiences, walk outside and focus on objects in the natural light.  It takes time for the eyes to self-correct, but with enough natural light you will feel better, see better and notice your overall well-being to be better.   

The reason is simple.  LED or light emitting diode, has a fast refresh rate that is constantly pulsing.  There is also a theory (which I sense to be a fact) that the blue light waves are harmful to the eyes. You may or may not sense it with the naked eye, but in reality these LED lights are blinking constantly.  The light being emitted is not a continuous stream of light, but rather many fast pulses.  Even though you cannot see it, the CONSTANT pulsing impacts the mind and body and can be rather harsh, especially when you are in areas with no windows or natural light what-so-ever.

If you or someone you know is prone to seizures or having any kind of health event, try spending the majority of time in natural light, or get some normal non-LED lighting and see how things improve.  The government may market things or give energy credits for "green" things, but the only green is what is put in their wallets.  You always have to ask yourself, is this good or bad for me, and do your research.  If you discover a lobbyist is behind it, you REALLY have to do your research.

As I finish up the post I will share an interesting story with you.  My dad was having issues with his garage door opener not working properly.  The door would open and close randomly or not even open at all when he pushed the opener button.  He tinkered with it and could not understand the issue.  He ended up submitting and calling a repair man that works on garage doors.  The first thing the guy asked my dad was "Do you have any LED lighting in this garage?"  When my dad said, "yes," the guy told my dad to remove the bulb from the lighting and then see how his door functioned.  Voila- it was fixed.  No more issues and to this day no more issues.  There is a LED pulse that is out there regardless if you can see it or not.

When in doubt, soak in some sun and rid yourself of the manufactured light.  The sun is a gift for us all to enjoy. 

Genesis 1:3-5  Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.

And with that I wish you a great day.


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Robert Schoen said...

Very cool that story about your dad's remote signal being canceled out by what LEDs emit.We ALL get the blue light from computer phone and TV screens which we have to live with but can make choices for our indoor lighting. To me, Florescent lights are the worst for refresh blinking, especially in Libraries! I also think having bright rooms at night when you're not cooking or working goes against our biorhythms. We have incandescent everywhere and the bulbs seem to last forever, with just two LED fixtures over the bath and sink which we only occasionally use so it's not a problem.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I'm glad to hear you aren't being surrounded by LED. It really is terrible for our eyes and mood.