▪️Adam Perry Lang
▪️Al Gore
▪️Alan Dershowitz
▪️Albert Pinto
▪️Alee Baldwin
▪️Allison Mack
▪️Alyssa Rogers
▪️Anderson Cooper
▪️Andrea Mitrovich
▪️Andres Pastrana
▪️Angelina Jolie
▪️Anthony Kiedis
▪️Anthony Weiner
▪️Barack Obama
▪️Ben Affleck
▪️Bernie Sanders
▪️Bill Clinton
▪️Bill Gates
▪️Bob Saget (deceased)
▪️Bruce Willis
▪️Casey Wasserman
▪️Callum Hudson-Odoi
▪️Celine Dion
▪️Charles Barkley
▪️Charlie Sheen
▪️Charlize Theron
▪️Chelsea Handler
▪️Chris Tucker
▪️Chris Wagner
▪️Chrissy Teigen
▪️Cyndi Lauper
▪️Claire Hazel
▪️Courteney Cox
▪️Courtney Love
▪️Demi Moore
▪️Dan Schneider
▪️David Koch
▪️David Spade
▪️David Yarovesky
▪️Dolores Zorreguieta
▪️Donovan Mitchell
▪️Doug Band
▪️Drew Barrymore
▪️Ed Buck
▪️Ed Tuttle
▪️Ehud Barak
▪️Ellen DeGeneres
▪️Ellen Spencer
▪️Emmy Tayler
▪️Fleur Perry Lang
▪️Francis X. Suarez
▪️Freya Wissing
▪️Gary Roxburgh (pilot)
▪️George Clooney
▪️Ghislaine Maxwell
▪️Glenn Dubin
▪️Greg Holbert (deceased)
▪️Gwen Stefani
▪️Gwendolyn Beck
▪️Hank Coller (pilot)
▪️Heather Mann
▪️Heidi Klum
▪️Henry Rosovsky
▪️Hillary Clinton
▪️James Franco
▪️James Gunn
▪️Jean-Luc Brunel (deceased)
▪️Jean-Michel Gathy
▪️Jeffrey Jones (deceased)
▪️Jim Carrey
▪️Jimmy Kimmel
▪️Joe Biden
▪️Joe Pagano
▪️John Cusack
▪️John Legend
▪️John Podesta
▪️John Travolta
▪️Joy Behar
▪️Juan Pablo Molyneux
▪️Juliette Bryant
▪️Justin Roiland
▪️Justin Trudeau
▪️Kathy Griffin
▪️Katy Perry
▪️Kelly Spam
▪️Kevin Spacey
▪️Kirsten Gillibrand
▪️Kristy Rogers (deceased)
▪️Lady Gaga
▪️Larry Summers
▪️Larry Visoski (pilot)
▪️Laura Z. Wasserman
▪️Lawrence M. Krauss
▪️Linda Pinto
▪️Lisa Summers
▪️Lynn Forester de Rothchild
▪️Mandy Ellison (assistant)
▪️Mare Collins-Rector
▪️Marina Abramovic
▪️Mark Epstein
▪️Mark Lloyd
▪️Melinda Luntz
▪️Meryl Streep
▪️Michelle Obama
▪️Michelle Wolf
▪️Mikel Arteta
▪️Miley Cyrus
▪️Nadine Dorries
▪️Naomi Campbell
▪️Naomi Watts
▪️Natalie Blachon de Perrier
▪️Nicole Junkermann
▪️Olga Kurylenko
▪️Oliver Sacks
▪️Orlando Bloom
▪️Paris Hilton
▪️Patton Oswatt
▪️Paul Mellon
▪️Paula Epstein (deceased)
▪️Paula Hala
▪️Peter P. Marino
▪️Pharrell Williams
▪️Prince Andrew
▪️Prince Charles
▪️Quentin Tarantino
▪️Rachel Maddow
▪️Rainn Wilson
▪️Ralph Ellison
▪️Ray Barzana (pilot)
▪️Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
▪️Rita Wilson
▪️Rob Reiner
▪️Robert DeNiro
▪️Robert Downey Jr.
▪️Rodney E. Slater
▪️Ronald Burkle
▪️Rudy Gobert
▪️Sander Burger
▪️Sarah Kellen (assistant)
▪️Sarah Silverman
▪️Seth Green
▪️Shelley Harrison
▪️Shelley Lewis
▪️Sophie Biddle-Hakim
▪️Sophie Trudeau
▪️Stephen Collins
▪️Stephen Colbert
▪️Steven Spielberg
▪️Steven Tyler
▪️Svetlana Glazunova
▪️Teala Davies
▪️Tiffany Gramza
▪️Tom Hanks
▪️Tom Pritzker
▪️Tyler Grasham (deceased)
▪️Victor Salva
▪️Wanda Sykes
▪️Whoopi Goldberg
The Who's Who of TDS. Bernie Sanders????? Maybe he bores his victims to death to do what he wants. I always knew Dwight would end up in the Ninth Circle of Hell with these others.
I'm rather surprised with Jim Carrey & Eminem. I like their work and they seem like good people to me.
No surprises!
You CAN NOT reach a certain level of fame w/out selling your soul and participating in evil acts of depravity.
Proud to have been blocked on twitter (before I got kicked off) by Ellen, John Legend & John Ped0esta.
I think that before we judge them all, we need to remember that Epstein's business was Blackmail and wasn't he a Mos-sad agent?
I listened to Australian whistleblower, Rachel Vaughn, describe how she was trained as a 5 y.o. to compromise judges and politicians as they slept.
She and her father, who was a F/mason psycho henchman, got into their bedroom through a tunnel system, and he would photograph them.
Once you were ensnared in JP's?/ their trap, you were owned. No wonder they are all so loyal and defensive of 'Is-Real.'
And would this only be a partial list over so many years?
@Robert and God Wins: I agree. Not too many surprises.
@Kyle: I was disappointed at a few names too. I was also happy a few people I do like (like Mel Gibson) were NOT on this list.
@Anon 2: I absolutely think there was blackmail occurring for the purpose of control. I would never eat or drink anything around ANY of these people or you would most likely have some disgusting photo or video you would not like. I am sure there is somewhat edited over the years, but a good start to see who the sickos are.
no all was there for sex with children, they were there for blackmail.
@noname: I agree. Regardless it is all evil and not for good intentions.
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