Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas Mandela Effect

I hope you all had a great Christmas!

In catching up on some office work I stumbled across a Christmas Mandela Effect that I thought you would all enjoy.  How many grew up learning the names of Santa's reindeer?  How many KNOW them to be Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen (and of course Rudolf)?  I vividly remember memorizing these names for a Christmas performance in elementary school.  I even won a prize for my ability to quickly recall the names when a local store was doing a holiday contest.  Apparently the names were changed from Dunder and Blixem to Donner and Blitzen in more recent times.  

Let that sink in... Why are they changing "his-story?"  I have my thoughts and will work on a post.  If you have your own thoughts, feel free to drop a line. 



Robert Schoen said...

Can't wait until they start calling Christmas "Carols" "Christmas cis-gender Carls" or worse yet"Non-binary MiddleEast Childmas cisgender Carls" God save us from wokism, tooth decay and Idiocracy.

God Wins said...

Robert, you and your comments are the best!!

Rick said...

Honestly never paid any attention to that song.

Off topic:
However, it was never Sex IN the City
It was always Sex AND the City because the book was about the protagonist, a sex columnist exploring the casual sex and dating experiences of her and her friends, as well as her relationship with (& identity of being a) New York(er).

The enlightened one said...

How is this a mandela effect?
The names were changed long before you were born, as far as I can gather from the internet.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: You are funny. I agree with @God wins.

@Rick: Yes, there are a few others out there. Some I've heard of, and some are newer.

@The enlightened one: My understanding is that they had other names (even a dog named Olive??) and things changed. Now they are trying to change it back and pretend the Donner and Blitzen never existed. One day we may get online and everything from our childhood will seem like we dreamed it...