Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Elon, Elon, Elon

Q. Elon Musk recently made a controversial post on X. He reposted another post pointing out the hypocrisy of J-ws being allowed to do as they please with G-aza, and at the same time labeling anyone who criticizes them an anti-Sem*te. He was rebuked in media worldwide for that post, but funnily enough, no media outlet actually quoted what he said, because they knew that most people would agree.

I know you've done some readings on Musk in the past and found his anti-globalist stance to be merely hopeium. I seriously do think he is a case of genuine opposition. Tesla has recently run into problem in Sweden with car mechanics on strike and legal bouts with the Swedish mail service that is withholding license plates for their cars. The transport worker's association in an act of sympathy even tries to prevent their cars from being shipped to Sweden. It would appear to me that this is no coincidence and that Elon Musk overstepped some boundary that agitated the PTW.

A.  Read the article outlining his X post HERE.

To see the rest of this post, please visit me  on SubscribeStar or Substack.  The question alone may get me flagged, and I'm certain I cannot post a response here.   

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Anon said...

Lynn, I hope you understand that not all j are bad. Remember the Zelenko protocolo? He really tried to help, alex berenson tried to fight all the vaxx pharma teams. There are good and bad people everywhere


Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

I 100% agree!! Not all J are bad, but most evil people are J (which gives them a bad rap). I have a few extended family that are J that are wonderful people.

The enlightened one said...

How can mutilating toddlers through circumcision NOT be considered evil? Evil is still evil, even if done to your own kin.

justonefix said...

I think it's because they have a lot of smart people. But evil organisations can use their abilities.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: I agree! I think it is an evil practice that was put into culture to make people think it is for cleanliness. I think it could be more of a perverted history.

@justonefix: Very true.