Friday, October 20, 2023

Earth Trap - How to Escape

Q.  Lynn I saw awhile back you did a reading about earth and Satan being it’s ruler.  Can you expand on that? Are our souls souls stuck here for all time or do they get to eventually return to God/source? 

With regards to covering yourself in the armor of God, do you have any suggestions on how we could go about this? A visualization maybe? If so, can you recommend a color?  

A.  Satan is trying to take over and consume the human race.  He has been in a war with God ever since God banished him from heaven.  Satan wanted to be like God and have dominion over people, and God wasn't going to allow this.

Revelation 12: 7-12 "And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him".

Satan was still powerful even though he lost his foothold in heaven.  He used the contempt he had for God to go against Him, lead people astray and started to build an army.  Satan knew that the best way to hurt God was to do so through hurting his flock.  He is playing the long game, and has been working diligently to accomplish this.  Some is through him directly, some is through demons and some is through other people that he has already captured. (Note: This is where the self-proclaimed "chosen ones" came from and they are creating a false flag propaganda war as we speak - don't fall for it again. These people have been wanting to take the world over for a long time and have plotted an opportunity since they were exiled to their current location during the World War.  I forecast the number 6m will arise again... )

The absence of light is dark.  It isn't that dark seeks the light, it seeks a void and consumes that space.  Satan works in the same way.  Satan doesn't chase God, he looks for places where God is absent (void) and then grabs ahold of the victim.  Once he has an attachment, he is difficult to shake without the help of God.  Many times the person is in need of a Deliverance.

In our current world of gynder confusion, gynder dys*phoria, porn, sex, drugs, etc people are removed from their TRUE purpose and God.  The fundamental purpose of our life is to bring forth new life and create the next generation.  I may get hate for this, but I stand by it 100%.  Women are the happiest when they are raising children, caring for a husband and taking care of their home.  Caring for a family and cooking a good meal is rewarding and NOT oppression, but the feminist movement poisoned women's minds and got them competing with men rather than working with them.  We are partners, not enemies.  Why do you think there is so much depression and other mental imbalances?  People are not being true to their inner self and living in a world that sways you from God's path.  Satan loves mental imbalance and mental meds!  Anger, unhappiness, mental imbalance and mind altering drugs create the void he is looking for.  Satan has consumed the alt left- you can see this by the misery and hate they exhibit.  

The above is just one example (there are MANY MORE in our recent history) of Satan's work in our current society.  He loves the feminist movement as it helped to destroy many marriages, got women in the workforce, and people other than parents raising kids leaving impressionable children open to the indoctrination agendas.  This one example had NOTHING to do with empowering women.  It sparked more consumerism and destroyed families leaving people weaker and more vulnerable.

Women, teach your daughter's how to be a wife and mother.  Cover up your goodies and show respect for yourself- a high value man wants a high value woman.  A high value man will appreciate a good recipe over having your T & A hanging out for the world- looks fade, life skills grow.  Embrace the nurturing abilities God bestowed upon you.

Men, teach your boys how to be a good husband and father.  Take charge - women like strength and protection.  Know how to change a tire and basic house repairs.  A man that can change oil in a car is WAY sexier than a guy that focuses on body count.  Again, Looks fade, life skills grow.  Embrace the strength God gave you to be a protector.

THESE things are what we are meant to do and more important than any Tik Toks and getting "likes" on Facebook.  Yes, women can be strong and men can nurture, but if we stick to more traditional roles people would be much happier.  Follow God's plan and not the one the agenda makers create.  If you follow God you WILL get off this planet and go back to our Creator.  If you follow Satan you will be stuck.  It truly is that simple.

As far as wearing the armor of God, the best we to protect yourself is to allow him to protect you.  You have to have faith that he will.  During times of anxiety, stress or worry, always remember the Bible says "fear not" 365 times... ironically there are 365 days a year.  Simply recite to yourself "fear not" and release the burden and worry to our creator.  Say it over and over until you feel the release in your inner gut.  You don't need a light or visualization- just a good Bible verse.  Most things we worry about or fret over never come to pass.  

 Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you”  


The armor of God:  Ephesians 6: 10-18 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."

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Robert Schoen said...

Beautiful, wise and common sense thoughts Lynn. Thanks for this! While the Dark Side is creating division and a Civil War that's putting families and communities against one another,it's important to have compassion for those caught up in their lies and not return the hate they use like a mantra. I know a lot of their anger stems from the civil war going on inside their souls between their higher self that knows the BS their mouth is spouting.

The spiritual prison of "wokeism," and that's truly what it is, is such that these great falsehoods can only be sustained by walling themselves with like minded people. Remember the "safe rooms" they put in all the college campuses for kids to run into if they saw someone wearing a MAGA hat? Love projected to others who think differently than you is the only thing that is going to break down this horror show. Those afflicted are to be pitied, but it's beautiful to see all the people all over the world who've grown immune to the Satanic matrix of propaganda that's like a spider web designed to catch the vulnerable.

SB said...

Be interesting to also ask why source cannot rid itself of them. And how much of creation have they already devoured?

SB said...


What is the horned comet coming toward us about is that connected to the higher level? Thanks.

SB said...

This lady asks questions about stuff in the universe she got this recently thought everyone would find it interesting.

Serene said...

Oh wow I just thinking about the idea of The Chosen Ones today. Placing that into Scripture repeatedly while the pleading masses are desperately seeking Truth was a sneaky, strategic move.

My thought is there were/are no "chosen ones." Never was. We're all God's children at different levels of awareness in this existence. The idea of chosen ones is divisive. Maybe that was the original purpose. (?)

Vipavk0 said...

And how to escape?

Kalamota Kook said...

This is a powerful post, Lynn. Only this evening I was watching this episode of Quite Frankly (link below), who's been on a similar kind of journey to us. It's am interview with an author about the true history of the feminist movement.

It's a difficult subject for me, because I come from an atypical background that I had to escape and cut myself off from, that I had to be independent and self-sufficient in, and I was never going to be able to have a family or have the trad life for reasons I won't go into. So I can see objectively what is right in these arguments generally, while personally knowing that I was, in all eras, always going to be the one who would be outcast and persecuted and not fit the mould.

I get this viewpoint while simultaneously still feeling like an alien.

The place I live in is completely swamped in the satanic groupthink. My home is a bubble of civility and truth but very dark times are coming, and I do not have the resources to escape. Faith is the only thing to live for now, and the only journey is the path to the better life.

margaret m martin said...

I recall the 70s and the women's movement bringing out the men hatred and even then it felt like propaganda to the average female and it directly shoved women into the workforce resulting in 2 income families that had to rely on daycares ....they still want hardened " empowered" women which mocks feminity even though feminity is the true power.they also very much wanted women to be shameless instead of virtuous

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thank you so much for all the comments. This was a powerful post and I could feel a lot of emotions and things come to the surface within me while writing it. I feel sad for the direction this world is headed. Things were so much simpler when we had our roles and people embraced the Devine feminine and Devine masculine for what they were instead of trying to be what they aren't. I also saw some good questions in here for a future post- thank you!

The enlightened one said...

A very powerful message, Lynn. You manage to encapsulate the root cause of evil on Earth.

For me personally, I would not feel comfortable in the role as a husband or father, but I do as a man feel an urge to "take charge" as you express it, when I see all the stuff going on in world. All the corruption, deception and wrong-doing.

However, I don't agree that looks are insignificant. A woman who takes care of herself nutritionally will look better than one who don't and also produce more healthy offspring.

If I were to find a woman with the purpose of having offspring, my main priority would probably be intuition and intelligence, though.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: I think looks and the pheromones/chemistry that drive an attraction are very important. I also think that if the chemistry is there, the physical draw will grow if it isn't there immediately. We all experienced attractive people and all experienced people that are more attractive once you get to know them. Looks fade for everyone so fundamentally you have to get along and have similar beliefs.

Regardless of what woohoo science tells us, people that take care of themselves are healthier than those that don't, and outward appearance can be a huge indicator. People could even have a medical issue that (for example) makes them gain weight, but they still have the medical issue. No one should have to strive to be a supermodel (completely unrealistic and even they don't look that way all the time with photoshop), but healthy eating and activity level are important for health. I agree with your point on this as well.