Thursday, June 1, 2023

Tribulation? Is it coming soon?

Q. Is the biblical Tribulation going to begin in 2025?

A.  As I focus on this, I reflect back to something I saw that discussed the Tribulation and signs pointing to it being near.  I do see a version of Tribulation unfolding sooner rather than later.  Our society is being destroyed, and it is so far gone that something Divine will need to intervene to salvage and recreate what we once had.  

Let me break down 8 key signs  The book of Matthew forecasts many precursors, and they are happening!  The time is now to get right with your inner God and the Divine.

1.  False teachers:  Society points kids to media and social media outlets, and they take in information.  TV "programming" is trash and we cannot believe what we are told.  Schools have become a propaganda machine, and the higher the education, the more propaganda is pushed on our youth and future leaders.

2. World conflict:  U-crane, Russia, China, Middle East.... need I say more?

3. Food manipulation:  The supply chain has been intentionally disrupted to create shortages and inflation.  Food has been saturated with chemicals, food dyes and preservatives.  They have increased sugar, and worse replaced it with high fructose corn syrup.  Many illnesses could be cured by simply getting our food back to a natural unaltered state.  Instead they want us to eat crickets or go vegetarian.

4. Increase disease:  We are a world full of disease.  Pharma is getting rich while people get sick.  NOTE:  In Latin "Pharma" is poison.  Truth in plain sight.

5. Disasters:  With weather manipulation we are bombarded with natural disasters.  We have extreme weather and extreme fluctuations.

6.  Needless death and disrespect of life:  Very controversial, but there is a HUGE battle right now and they are encouraging people to disrespect life and not see life as a gift from God/Divine.  Life isn't sacred and they are rallying the masses to want to be able to end it.  

7. Friends are no longer friends (or friendly):  We have been programmed to divide.  We have men v women, black v white, religious difference, shot v no-shot, sexual differences and cultural differences (the list goes on).  They have created so much conflict that we are a world divided.

8. False idols and lack of faith in God:  Regardless of your God, people need faith and need to believe there is something bigger out there. There is an inner God and an external God that connects us as people.  When people give up their faith, worship other things like actors or musicians or YouTubers, they are being led down a very dark path.  They become rooted in this 3D world challenged with ego and not toward inner growth and development.  Morals start to slide and society becomes more barbaric.

To better answer the question, I do see we are heading toward Tribulation.  Prepare for tough, yet rewarding times as we align back with our roots and get put back to the path of forward progress versus destruction.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

What a great compilation of the ills society is now facing,Lynn,and the real tragedy is how vulnerable the new generation that's glued to their phones is so vulnerable to the wall to wall manipulation and lies.

Things have been run by evil people for a long time and the propping up of Darwin and even later Einstein were part of the plan to create an atheistic worldview without God and with our own spirituality replaced by "rationalism." In these crazy times,in which much of the chaos is either faked or exaggerated, it's recommended to be like the calm at the center of the storm: where you see what's going on but aren't part of it or let it affect you (as much as possible). Like the flat earth, put a protective spiritual dome around yourselves.

Unknown said...

According to an astrological temporal marker in the Bible called "The Sign of the Woman", the 7 year tribulation period started in September 2017 and ends in Sept 2024. It is a contentious issue on Christian and astrology sites. This astrological configuration occurs every few hundred years according to one astrology site, but it is still an odd coincidence that it is again occurring now, just when society is falling apart.

Also Clif High of the Webbots says an "apocalypse", that is defined as a revelation of knowledge, is coming within the next two years, and that after a period he calls "the big ugly" humans will have an improved life and dark forces will be driven off the planet. He does not foresee any huge catastrophes.

Leslie said...

OT Can you please do a reading on the high school graduate from Louisiana, Cameron Robbins, who recently went missing after being “dared” to jump off the party boat into dark shark infested waters during a graduation celebratory school trip in the Bahamas? The Bahamian drinking age is 18 and maybe that played into his poor decision making? There’s a Twitter video that shows what looks like a large fish (dolphin/shark) near the flotation buoy thrown to him and he swims in the other direction only to slip under the waves a few seconds later. Many surmise that he was killed by the shark(s). The video is grainy.

The party boat stayed in the area for a few hours looking for him and a then a coordinated search was conducted and ceased after 2 days due to not finding anything. Was this an “out” as part of his life contract? Why would he die at a young age, 18, and in such a gruesome way? Could he by some miracle have been carried by the current to a nearby island? Thanks!

margaret m martin said...

Thank you dear Lynn for such a well explained answer...🌞 dada too :)

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for the comments! I will have to check into the missing person...

EA RW said...

I agree with this list. Most of it you can already see in basic human society. That's what I like about these topics I go out and see for myself like the simple fact how far we have been removed from nature.
I'd rather be by myself than be put up in some toxic dysfunctional situation.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@EA RW: I totally agree!