Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Jesus Was A Mason?? - Attack on the Bible!

In a further attempt to manipulate our reality they have formed an attack on one of the most sacred documents, The Bible.  

Regardless of your beliefs the Bible is a recorded artifact.  It may be somewhat truth, somewhat allegory and somewhat ancient interpretation, but no matter what it is powerful in the message.  They are currently and actively changing the meanings of words and interpretations.  I see the end goal is to align some of the evil people of the world with this ancient work to justify their existence and establish trust.  

Let me explain... in more recent time they are altering the existence of Jesus.  What was his occupation?  What did he do?  He was not only a healer, but a builder... A carpenter to be exact, right?  

NOW in current electronic research they are saying that Jesus was a mason.  They are saying "mason" as in stonework, but I see this concept slowly morphing to Masons as in the group of Masons we know today.  How ironic they are trying to make Jesus be in the same category as Masons, which are a gateway to the Illuminati.  Note, not all Masons are Illuminati, but all Illuminati are Masons- there is a difference.  

Back to the Illuminati.. I see they are SO proud of themselves to obfuscate the Bible and inserting the masons on such a prominent figure..  They want to destroy culture, confuse truth and create a world they want full of illusion.  If they tell a lie long enough, people will slowly believe it.  

Question everything... They are slowly rewriting his-story.. 

NOTE:  When I was pulling a quick pic online for this post, there are SEVERAL depictions of Jesus as a carpenter.  There are VERY FEW (I found none) of him tied to being a mason.  That's because it isn't true and the CGI machines haven't caught up to the AI stories that are published... 


And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 


Robert Schoen said...

This is another historic manipulation that's new to me, although altering the meaning of things through incorrect translations of the Bible's original Greek or Hebrew goes back at least until the Middle Ages, as when translators said that Moses had horns coming out of his head instead of rays of light, so that even in 1513 Michelangelo carved him looking a bit like the devil.

Freemasonry was part of the foundation of the United States. George Washington was prominently depicted wearing a Masonic apron and in Philadelphia, which was the original US capital, they built a incredibly carved stone Masonic lodge right next to that city's gigantic City Hall that fills up 4 city blocks. I hope this latest blatant distortion of Christ is widely rejected and dismissed by people. There was always a cosmic irony that Jesus, a carpenter, was crucified on a wooden cross he could have built himself. I wonder if these jokesters are now going to say that the Romans crucified people on stone columns.

The enlightened one said...

As far as I know Jesus' father was a carpenter, but not Jesus himself. He spent his time learning and teaching.

By the way, the unicorn find in KJV is courtesy of youtuber Meegs B, who first introduced me to this fact. She has made a lot of videos on oddities and potential Mandela effects in the KJV Bible. In the New international version, Ezekiel 23:20-22 you can now find this X-rated paragraph: "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys, and whose emission was like that of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled."

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I agree. There is a lot of convoluted stuff going on..

@enlightened: Wow, just wow! Thanks for sharing that! I'm speechless..

MJ said...

Freemasons have lodges all over the world (I'm in Asia). Some ppl woke up about Freemasons n #33 during Covid as more ppl search for "conned theories" (deliberate misspelled).

I do have an online fren whose surname is Mason but she is very hands on, DIY, love nature n her family in US.

The enlightened one said...

Of course, just like Harry Potter isn't a potter just because of his surname.
And famous German racing driver Michael Shumacher isn't a shoe maker!

In my experience, the fake pandemic has made a lot of awaken people to want to become
more independent from the system, and to form their own communities where they can set their own rules, apart from the mass hysteria and mass psychosis of the rest of society. Basically, it has kick-started the building of the new Earth!

Were you born in Asia or are you an American expat?

MJ said...

@the enlightened one: Hahha shoemaker!
I was born in Asia.