Friday, November 11, 2022

Red Ripple...

Q.  Hi Lynn! I always appreciate hearing what you have to say and thank you for sharing with us! I have two things to ask about. 

One, there was supposed to be a red wave this elek-shun and it seemed to be heading that way. Then it slowly turned to a red ripple. I feel like they (PTW) somehow changed the outcome but in a harder to prove way. Outcomes like Federwho (the hunchback Sen. from Penn) won over Oz. People from his campaign (or supporters) stole Oz signs, and was caught on video. In watching the debate he couldn’t answer questions, repeated himself, and it was sad to watch. I don’t believe that he could have won without help. Arizona with their issues is very suspicious and convenient. These are some of the many examples. So how did they do it this time? 

My second question is, can you give us some good news? Everything that is happening has been hard to deal with which makes it hard to stay positive. Is there someone or something that can give us some hope that the future isn’t so bleak? Anything going to happen that will turn this changing world to the positive one? Something that will stop the “great reset”? Something positive, anything positive for us to build on. Thank you for always answering. May your day be filled with love, light and happiness.   

A. I do have to chose my words wisely, so if you question anything I discuss, please reach out to me... 

OK, question one... there was absolutely a sea of red but after the last event unfolded.  They realized that numbers didn't really matter as proven in the last round.  Regardless of what happens, the PTW control the media outlets, and they can spin whatever story they want.  They learned a few years ago that the red would be outraged, but ultimately NOTHING would happen. The left was concerned they would lose seats, so they knew WAY ahead of time they needed to mitigate this.

So how did the left accomplish their goal?  Between essentially "buying" people that are dependent on the system and "creating" people that need the system (via an influx into the country) they shifted the voter base.  I get having a proper ID is just a technicality that can be worked around.  

In looking at the second part of the question, this is tough.  Our world is going in a direction at a momentum that seems to be speeding up.  The PTW know that they have to get entrenched before they are stopped.  They know that if they get in deep there is no return, and that is the goal.  They have breeched the schools, food, medicine, air, water and daily life (marketing, inflation, propaganda, etc).  How do we manage this?  How do we mitigate this?  How do we stop this?  Wake up, talk to people, help others that are ready to wake up.  Stay strong to your convictions.

What can you do to find something positive?  I get that people are waking up.  The more people wake, the more we come together.  There have been several lines drawn in the sand, and the line is being pushed.  I get  when people feel they have no hope, that is when change will happen- we are almost there!  

In closing I see a relevant quote coming forward.  I cannot see the words exactly, but it is something about "Be cautious of the man who wants to be left in peace and live his life with his family.  Once provoked and taunted you change the very nature of that man.  He becomes protective and will resort to any means possible to survive."  I get our world is just like this- people want to be left alone to live in peace.  They want their families to thrive.  The very nature of what is happening is provoking people and creating and changing us into something we are not.  Watch out because I see a resistance on the horizon.  This may not seem positive, but it is the real hope of change and not the false hopeium they use as a distraction.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you. Love and light, Lynn 

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Anonymous Reader said...

We desperately need a "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" moment in this country!

Robert Schoen said...

I feel it's going to be ever more easy for many who've never questioned things before to see how phoney both fake news and the rigged politics are that results in a Fetterman winning the Senate. In the real world, neither he nor Biden could qualify to work as greeters at a Walmart.

On the positive side, there is so many great places and things to lean about and do in the world focus on that and not your TV. I keep hearing the good guys have already won, so keep positive that good will defeat evil. Don't let the dark stuff intrude on your life any more than you need to, don't argue with the brainwashed and focus on people, interests and activities that feed you.

margaret m martin said...

keep loving how god loves us through songs like "you're the love
' by seals and crofts which can raise ones vibration....such joy !!!!!!


Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Anonymous: Yes!

@Robert: You are so right. We need to turn off the tv and actually be in the world. There is a lot to do and experience.

@margaret: Thank you for sharing. Great reminder. Thank you for sharing.

The enlightened one said...

The only reason for failing is that you stop trying. and as long as you continue to pursue a goal, it is impossible to fail. For each goal, there is a way to achieve it, and whoever seeks it will invariably find it sooner or later. Trust in all possibility, belief in oneself and patience for progress to mount is key to all challenges mankind currently faces.

EA RW said...

Reminds me of this quote: Where there is no vision, the people shall perish.

Robert Schoen said...

As an example of the Dark Side's evil spellcasting, someone figured out that the Halloween crowd crush in Seoul was meant to "Soul Crush" humanity like an evil pun that subconsciously registers even if most people don't get their inside joke designed to take place on that Spooky night.

In the brighter side, this is a great explanation of how the good guys have been and are winning behind the scenes by a former military guy who knows the laws and sees all the signs of who's really in control:

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@enlightened one: You are so right. Thanks for bringing up this good point.

@EARW: Great quote.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Thanks for sharing. Great point in Seoul! I am hopeful that some people are standing up.

Robert Schoen said...

Just listened to this great interview with SG Anon whose insights on what's been happening behind the scenes since even before 2020 shows how profoundly the world has changed already while most are worried and confused by the deep state puppet show on TV:

Ryno said...

"Our world is going in a direction at a momentum that seems to be speeding up. The PTW know that they have to get entrenched before they are stopped."

What are we speeding up too exactly?

Was this the quote you are referencing?

“The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the Men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these Men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Thanks for sharing!

@Ryno: I think it it speeding up to something we can't reverse if we don't stand up. YES, that is the quote. I have no idea where it came from or how it got to my subconscious, but yes. What was the source of it?

Gambit said...

Can you see if it’s true that some if not all black people are the real Hebrew Jews and they was enslaved and they land and beliefs was taken

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Gambit: I'm not sure I see that... they def had darker skin and feel to be around the central and south central part of Europe..

Ryno said...

@Lynn: Good question, I don't think anyone really knows. I think it appeared anonymously but somehow caught on through the Internet because it resonated so much with many.