Thursday, August 11, 2022

Interesting Collection of Strangeness

Q. Hey Lynn these are a few cool articles I found while looking through the net.  If you get anything interesting let us know! 

1.  Strange portal of light over Jerusalem. Looks pretty convincing to me, sorry for the guys commentary in it but it was the best footage I could find.    
A.  As I approach these interesting articles, I first want to determine if they are authentic, and if so what is going on. As I look at the light over Jerusalem, the video is amazing, but I sense it is either a clip from a video game or a movie.  I get this is CGI of a light tunnel/portal, and used in a fictional way that went semi viral.  Very cool video though!

A. When I focus on this object I want to determine is this man made in origin, ET, etc.  I was a little surprised that the first thing I hear is "propaganda."  As I fine tune this to get a better understanding, I get that much of activity said to be in space is really just for competition (between countries) and not real.  

I then hear "Check out the quality of this object, if it were real, we'd have a much better picture. This was released as a way to enforce the concept of space exploration and get people talking.  It is used as a deflection and to trick the subconscious.  The same people being said to make up a story or excuse for it's existence are the same people hiding the truth.  When it comes to space, question everything to see if there is really an ulterior motive behind any media released."

3. Strange radio waves coming from center of the galaxy, what does it mean if anything?  
A.  I get this signal is coming from the sister sun that runs in parallel to our sun.  As our solar system traverses, it moves in a spiral motion, and the system tied to the sister sun moves in that same motion.  In my mind I see it moving like the double helix strands of DNA.  I get they are picking up on the energy being emitted from that sun, and it fluctuates as the position changes.  I then get that most suns, including our own, harness so much organic energy that they also serve as portal locations where beings can transport.  The sister sun also has this "portal" feature that send out LOTS of energy bursts. I realize they are saying this is coming from the center of the galaxy, but I get it is truly coming from the direction of the tandem solar system.

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Guedes de Miranda said...

Thank you Lynn!If you allow me to pose a question on a strange subject? Is there any benefit from drinking his own pee and specially for those that had the shot will it help to overcome the side effects? (I found a list of said benefits of this method at the drhealthbenefits site (disease-disorder/therapy/health-benefits-of-urine-therapy)). Thanks again!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Guedes: I have done readings on urine therapy... This is not something I would recommend. I would do a little more research on the topic.

Guedes de Miranda said...

Thank You! I found the post you spoke of: it´s from december 4. 2017

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Guedes: Great!