Monday, August 1, 2022

I'm Moving and it's Bittersweet

Hi Everyone!  I will be out of the office with limited availability until Thursday while I relocate out of the city.  As I've witnessed this world change I've contemplated moving, but hesitated for many reasons as our family has been in the same place for nearly 17 years.  I grew up in a small city, so my comfort has been to be within a small city, but I had to really analyze the signs of the times around me. It is concerning and unfair to continue subjecting my kids to this, so after lots of looking we decided on a very small, very conservative rural area. 

I will still be available for email readings while I transition.  I will also be active on the blog as time permits.  I hope for things to normalize in the next few weeks!  Love and light to all of you, Lynn 


Carlene said...

Moving is such a hassle! Good for you taking a bold move. I talk about it but have done nothing. Congratulations and think how much relief you will have after you get settled. Looking forward to hearing about the new place!

Unknown said...

Way to go Lynn!! Best of the luck on your moving process :)

Robert Schoen said...

I'm sure you're making the right decision for your family and hope you are all happy in your new home and community. At least you have a lot of hands there to help pack things up. ;-) Mine and most cities are going to the dogs but, short of moving, it helps greatly not to follow the news and go to just places you know, & not at night, rules that would be Hard on young people, but the current situation is not sustainable.This Country needs a brain transplant.
Best of Luck Lynn to you and yours!!!

EumJem said...

How exciting wishing you all the best for your new life at your new address

margaret m martin said...


Kalamota Kook said...

I sincerely wish you all the best with your new life, and that your future is as psychopath-proof as possible. Your children are so lucky to have you. The number one piece of advice I keep seeing in all the prepper material is to get out of the cities. I'm not able to do that unfortunately, and I even sense that it's my path to be here and be in the storm, even if it means it's my last chapter. The tribe members who are able to break away have my full admiration and prayers. Thank you for all that you have given down the years. The events of this time have been a lot easier to face with the forewarning and deep insights of those such as Lynn. You are the new pioneers. Good luck!

Robin Hood said...

Hi Lynn best of luck and much light in your new home. I am from nj and am contemplating doing the same, though it hard to locate where in the states is good in terms of community, climate, and convinience.

Blackbird said...

Best of luck in your new home, Lynn! I hope it is everything you hope for, and more.


Patrick said...

God's Grace and Blessings upon you Lynn.
Good Luck and Love as always from all of us here...

galacticwarrior said...

Best of luck Lynn. I know you're making the right move, even though a tough one 😊

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for the well wishes!! I appreciate it!

Andrew Dyson said...

Best of luck Lynn; sorry I'm a day or two late to the party!

It's often said that moving house is one of the most stressful tasks one can undertake.
Get yourself sorted, and take your sweet time. We will all be here when you get back; where else would we go? lol!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Andrew: Thank you! xoxo-

MJ said...

Congratulations on new place! Hope it'll be good for ur family's future and hv strong internet :>

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@MJ: We were talking to some neighbors and said until recently the internet was horrible being out there... They just ran a new line and I get 1 gig upload! Better than where I'm at now. lol