Friday, July 22, 2022

SADS (Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome)

Q. What is going on with Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome?  Seems a little "coincidental" that we are just now seeing and naming this odd form of "death" in seemingly healthy adults.

A.   As I focus on this I get they are trying to normalize an abnormal condition to justify and desensitize people to one of the side effects of the beer bug shot.  All types of circulatory issues have resulted in people that have gotten the shot.  It doesn't matter if you are young or old, this side effect doesn't discriminate.  Seemingly healthy people are encountering heart issues and naming it to make sound as common as a sinus infection.  This is how they can get away with seeing death counts rise.  

Be safe and be cautious!  Don't allow the PTW normalize or desensitize you to abnormal issues.  This is how they change beliefs and creep their agenda into our lives.  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

Wikipedia said that SADS started in the '70s and the '80s but who knows if this is invented history to cover for a modern problem. It could be that this term came into use about around the same time that SIDS was created, but there's a lot of reports of increased atypical deaths amongst the young particularly with athletes, which should be the most healthiest group.

The enlightened one said...

Over here in Sweden it was recently reported that birth rates in the capital dropped by 15% the first quarter of this year compared to last year. This resulted in the lowest birth rates for the first quarter since 2005. A professor of demography says this sharp decline in birth rate has never been seen before.

margaret m martin said...

liked how you tied in the fact that the ptw like to manipulate our perceptions thanks LYNN

Cyber said...
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Cyber said...

Wiki said these people died suddenly in their sleep.

Are there any warning symptoms weeks before death that we should be aware of?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for the comments! This is a thing we will hear of much more often now that the shot is in so many folks. I'm nut sure you will feel anything very alarming leading up to it. I sense they will notice a rapid heart rate, but aside from that it feels to sneak up on people.

MJ said...

It's to hard diagnose such problems of sudden death, sudden anything unless the person had always been doing health tests to be able to compare before vs after.