Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Ivana's Death

Q. Ivana Trump died after falling down the stairs. Can you add anything to that? Was anyone else present when she fell? Do you see foul play? If so, who? Thanks, Lynn! 

A.  As soon as I heard about this I immediately got this was a message.  It is true that Ivana had some health issues, and those wanting to send a message maximized on that.

We are soon to see who will be running in the next "big" campaign of 2024 and the Powers That Were are trying to sure-up up their competition.  The Trumpet-Train proved to be very powerful and more got on the train than the PTW expected.  Rumors are flying and speculations are being made of some potential candidates such as Trumpet himself, his son, his daughter and even some leaders of conservative areas such as Florida.  The PTW wants candidates to know what they are signing up for as decisions are being made, and realize that an untimely or unexpected death can occur anywhere to anyone.

As I focus on Ivana I see her upstairs and lounging around.  She heard something downstairs, so got up to investigate .  She cautiously walked toward the stairs walking very slowly.  What she didn't realize was someone picked her lock, intentionally made some noise (no sign of forced entry) and quickly got to the top of the stairs.  I see this same person walked up to her and said "Boo!" in her ear.  She jumped and was pushed gently at the same time.  

I get the goal was to send a message, not death, but the result of the fall was not the concern.  It could have been fear, injury or death.  That didn't matter.  

Who did this?  I see the PTW organized it, and they used a "professional" burglar. (??)  I see this "burglar" is a few steps removed from the actual person creating the order and hear the phrase "Clinton Body Count" as I get a little more clarity.

Always be cautious and use your intuitive filter!  

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Tuya said...

Real Raw News also say she was double vaxed the day before.

Robert Schoen said...

There's been a lot of contradictory speculation about what happened to Ivana, but her death, just a day before she was set to leave for a vacation after being a covid shut-in for 2 years in her townhouse, is very suspicious. Real Raw News first reported no injuries to her head or legs while her torso was black and blue. If it was an attempted message not to kill and she survived the fall, it's possible that her death was faked to keep her safe, but I doubt the political New York medical examiner would have wanted to help Trumpet in such a subterfuge. I'm glad to hear Lynn's read on Ivana and thank her for doing it.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Tuya: I do think the shot impacted overall health and steadiness on her feet, but someone else intervened to send a message.

@Robert: You are most welcome. Very suspicious indeed!

The Great Teddy said...

Please dont ever link to RRN. That site has been debunked. Its run by a far-left actor who gets paid by Soros to make us all look bad.

Andrew Dyson said...

These Deep State/PTW psychopaths must be arrested under your Constitution, swiftly tried then executed.