Monday, July 18, 2022

SubscribeStar: Homosexuality

Q.  Is homosexuality natural? Why is this shunned by the world's prominent religions? Are homosexual acts immoral or lead one away from the Light? 

A. To see my response to the above question and the video discussion, please visit me on SubscribeStar.

[*If I ever select your question for a SubscribeStar post, and you don't have access, please reach out to me for a copy].

Love and light (and Lots of Gratitude), Lynn

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Ice said...

There's been a strong push lately by the PTW on being gay, tr@ns, and gender-fluid. It's supported by big corporations dressing up their logos with rainbow colors every June, which is dubbed as Pride Month. I suspect they promote this to minimize procreation, for depop.

Lynn has previously mentioned that about 5% of the population is gay. Being gay seems to have always been around. I occasionally meet gay people who say that they have known they're homosexual since they were children, which suggests that they were born gay rather than chose the lifestyle.

The sexual act between those of the same gender, although does not procreate, seems neutral to the Universe. Nothing is right or wrong; things just are.

It's just a struggle for gay people who want to have children. A couple either needs a surrogate, a sperm donor, or take up adoption. Truly gay people wouldn't go through all this trouble if they didn't feel that they were meant to be with the same gender.

If gay people are born this way, can they still pursue a spiritual path? Would homosexual acts have to be foregone?

Ice said...

Source also created humans to have two genders. Is being gay an aberration?

This question does not pertain to homosexual behavior, which could be influenced by environment and free will. I'm talking about being gay, from the inside, encoded in the DNA.