Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Anomaly at Center of the Universe, Tulsa

Q.  Hi Lynn,

Can you do a reading about The Center of the Universe in Tulsa, Oklahoma? The Center of the Universe is a mysterious acoustic phenomenon where if you stand in the middle of the circle and make a noise the sound is echoed back several times louder than it was made, and and those on the outside wouldn’t hear it. It's only the person standing inside the concrete circle that will hear the echo. If your standing outside of the circle and try to talk to any person that is inside your voice will come across distorted and very unclear. There is no official explanation for how the anomaly formed. 

A.  When I focus on this specific spot, I see a bubble of energy that surrounds the area much like a dome. I don't see any type of a physical barrier, or a barrier that prevents a solid object from passing, but auditory sounds look to get altered (it shift this type of frequency).

What I really want to know is Where does the energy bubble come from? As I feel myself stand there I see myself looking down at my feet and going deeper.  I get that multiple ley lines intersect in this spot.  The energy from below moves upward and creates a "bubble" looking dome.  

Very cool and interesting place!!  Definitely worth checking out!

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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margaret m martin said...

thats fun and cool

Robert Schoen said...

Very interesting phenomena. A lot of churches and cell phone tower are built upon lay line to tap into the energy of these lines that has been known for centuries. I wonder how people can tap into this energy,perhaps by visiting the churches whose steeple designs are like antennas to focus the energy.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@margaret: It was a fund reading. :-)

@Robert: It would be cool. I think the Tartarians used it all the time!