Friday, January 14, 2022

The Blue Light Tunnel: The Gateway to Ascension

Q. Thank you for answering my question about the light tunnel and trap.  Perhaps you can do a public reading on the trap itself and the blue light you mentioned that seems to emerge. It would be great to get a better understanding on this. Thanks again.

A. In a recent question regarding the white light many of us see upon transition, I was asked what do we do if we want to incarnate, into in a higher density versus 3D?  If we are ready and prepared through our current 3D experience, how do we ascend?  I wanted to take some time to explain. 

In our current life we are having on earth we are presented with opportunities to grow and expand with our experiences.  These experiences along with our spiritual development and wisdom can provide an opportunity to elevate vibration.  If at the end of this life we are prepared and elevated to a point where we "qualify" to incarnate in a higher density realm, we will be given some choices upon the transition (death) point. 

I understand that once we cross the veil and leave the 3D body we have options.  We can chose to stay, guide, protect and watch those in the 3D.   You may even chose to wait until some other beings within your soul pact cross over, and jump back in together.  If we pick this option (to stay) you will ALWAYS have the option at a later time to go toward a light tunnel.

The tricky thing with the light tunnel is upon death a bright white and very enticing tunnel will appear.  Often times you are met with loved ones that are stuck in the 3D loop OR beings that manifest to look like loved or familiar ones to guide you this direction.  You always have the option to decline, but they are VERY persuasive as the goal of the white tunnel is to reset memories and essentially wipe you clean for the next incarnation into 3D experience.  This tunnel was designed to trap beings on this planet and discourage ascension (you cannot work for the entities that created this trap if you able to escape it). 

The other option you will have (if you are ready) is a bright blue light tunnel. Upon death if your vibration is high enough and you've upgraded enough in this current life to withstand incarnating into this higher density, you will be given the option of the BLUE light tunnel.  I hear that this is an honor that has been earned and worked for through several earthly incarnations.  This is the tunnel to ascension and the gateway to a higher vibrational reality.  Sometimes you have to look for it as if you KNOW it will emerge (almost like it is hidden as one last test).  Once located, you may have a loved one greet you or the pathway may look sparse, but it will have a sense of security and warmth as you approach it.  Upon death if your vibration is high enough and you've upgraded enough in this current life to withstand incarnating into this higher density, you will be given the option of the BLUE light tunnel.  

I encourage everyone to meditate and think about this.  See what resonates as true and imagine the feeling of blue light filling you at your heart.  What emotion does that trigger?  

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Cyber said...

Just two tunnels - white and blue? I thought there are at least 7 tunnels according to one's soul vibration corresponding to the 7 colors of the rainbow.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Cyber: That's super interesting! I have never heard that. I didn't see it that way but maybe someone has seen something that I wasn't able to pick up on??

Cyber said...


I once read the 'Tibetan book of death' which explains the death process and there are different colored light tunnels (about six) presented upon death that reach different realms of reincarnation.

Michael Newton's book also showed that spirits are grouped into the colors of the rainbow depending on their soul vibration.

The details might be wrong but the general concept is similar to yours.

RL said...

That sounds wonderful! I know I'll probably want to wait for my children or others from my soul pact before I'll cross over but what if one of them isnt ready and can't see the blue light? I wouldn't want to leave them behind, ya know? Do you think we would be able to "come back" to visit and help guide them back to the blue light once we've crossed over?

Lifting The Veil said...

Different sources state that we will keep our bodies during the ascension. DNA upgrades, moving towards a more crystaline based body, but that we would still retain our form.

Recent discovery of yours, from a share in social media - so your work is reaching others. Really enjoy your content.

Robert Schoen said...

I've lived longer than a lot of people following Lynn and find the prospect of reincarnating back on earth appealing as there is way too much to do, learn and experience down here in just one lifetime, plus the chance to do things better and differently. While our memories might be wiped out we're still the same beings with the same essential character. Maybe the desire to reincarnate is like the kid who wants to keep getting in line to ride the roller coaster again and again. I certainly don't regard my life as a slave worker in this incarnation, so really don't know if reincarnation is spiritual regression or if ascension is such a much better path. I guess you have to be there to see what your gut tells you.

How can a newly departed soul make a decision to never return to earth when they have no idea of what's in store in a higher ascension? Will there be art up there,will things be so great that earth living looks like hell by comparison? I had a good friend who recently passed and I think he feels great and free up there looking down on us and glad his life on earth which he was happy with, ended.

I'm more of the school "be here now" and get to that when you get there. It is interesting to think about but then I prefer the mystery and the ability to be surprised when I get up there.

Kyle said...

Returning might not be a bad thing as Robert said. There is much to experience being human. But there is a flipside. The spirit will be in a constant loop of joy and suffering, ups and down. Like a roller coaster indeed, this entrapment of duality does feel cumbersome for those who have returned to earth many times. In a sense the white light isn't so much a trap but a filter. If the allure of seeing a loved one, an ascended master compels us to enter the light then perhaps there is still attachment and thus the cycle is renewed once more. Only when the person reaches a state of samadhi which 'is a state of profound and utterly absorptive contemplation of the Absolute that is undisturbed by desire, anger, or any other ego-generated thought or emotion. It is a state of joyful calm, or even of rapture and beatitude, in which one maintains one's full mental alertness and acuity.' This state of equanimious achieved through meditation is perhaps one way to trigger that blue light.

Unknown said...

Why go into ANY tunnel and get trapped in some Archon-controlled realm? Just stay in spirit and insist on leaving the system. From what I have read, the creatures that run this loosh farm can trick you, but they are not allowed to force people back into bodies. Wes Penre wrote extensively about this, and Robert Monroe also said this is not the only energy farm these creatures have created. They are pure evil and basically a galactic organized crime racket that specializes in trapping souls for exploitation.

Avoid those tunnels like the plague, unless you enjoy having your memories wiped and being stuffed back into another body.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Cyber: Thanks for sharing. That sounds interesting!

@RL: Yes, we will always be able to toggle down and then come back. (Think in terms of bigfoot).

@mr 2012: I think when that happens they don't fully go threw it. They go to it, see it, but aren't all the way "in" yet.

@Lifting the Veil: Thanks! I appreciate it!

@Robert: I can respect that. Sometimes the surprise is worth it and "being here now" gives you more presence.

@Kyle: Thanks for sharing your perspective. I appreciate it!

@Unknown: Valid point. Definitely something you can choose.

Thanks for all the comments. I really enjoyed looking at this question.