Friday, December 17, 2021

Brian Williams Shocking Goodbye!

Q. Check out his farewell speech!  What is going on here?  Truth in plain sight!


 A.  I get this is a truth in plain sight situation.  He is trying to stay "seemingly" neutral by not calling out names specifically, but still convey a point.  Being involved in the media for so many years has provided an opportunity to first hand see what is going on with regard to mistruths and forced scripting.  He knows who is writing the "news" and more importantly what stories come to light that are buried.  Certain topics are never to be discussed, and if something questionable were to come up, they are given "phrases" to say or "reactions" that need to be made to fit the narrative of the agenda being pressed.

I get that Brian could no longer align with it.  It was negative and heavy and he needed out!  Good luck Brian and thanks for saying what resonates as truth within many people.  All to often people are feel alienated or alone in their beliefs and when people speak out it can be very validating and create a sense of collectiveness.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

Brian Williams got fired from NBC years ago over a few incidents of fibs he told concerning Katrina and a helicopter ride, both of which when expose made him a much less effective liar for the network news. Anyone who held his position for so long is absolutely no saint, so maybe he's just jumping ship because he knows from reliable sources it's all about to go down.

The Great Teddy said...

Interesting comment Robert. I hope there is disclosure soon. Nothing would please me more than seeing these media propagandists and liars exposed to the public.

@Lynn do you see the disclosure phase happening soon? Perhaps something for your big 2022 blog update?

EA RW said...

Edgar Cayce was his time ahead with his predictions. We now live in the times where the "news is not news anymore". Maybe that's why they are still in bussiness, they give exactly what the public want to hear. It's truly shamefull how degraded it has become to blatant entertainment. Deliberately dumbing everyone down.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for the comments everyone! They are deliberately dumbing down society... I think I may make disclosure it's own post. :-) Great topic idea!