Wednesday, December 29, 2021

2022 Predictions: What can we expect??

As 2021 closes it's chapter, I wanted to take a moment to focus on what is ahead.  I hope you enjoy as we look at the good, bad and the ugly.  

Have a happy, healthy and safe New Year!  (Grab some coffee.  This is a long one!  

When I focus on this, I get we will see some shifts of power, but the energy stays the same.  Agendas that are in motion will stay in motion, BUT more people will stand up and be outspoken.  In 2020 and even 2021 many people were scared to stand up or share an opinion, but I get in 2022 voices will demand to be heard.  Even though fear and bullying tactics are still at play, the fear of persecution feels to diminish.  

I also get that some of the shifts in power will be evident such as the Queen "stepping down."  I get that if she hasn't transitioned to spirit by the time this post gets out, it will be shortly thereafter.  I see the announcement being timely, and get it has to do with a ritual, sacrifice and even something with a moon cycle.  There will be something very odd and ominous tied to this announcement. (Possibly even a birth tied to her death??)

Other transitions will be behind the scenes.  Bidet will be a face and a spokesperson, but he will be highly monitored (even more than now).  You will not see him much in 2022 as old age and the effects become more apparent.  He has a team calling the shots, and he is just simply doing what he is told.  You may even see subtle outbursts or odd behavior that many associate to dementia.  For this reason they have to watch when he is on an active microphone or if media is present.  This will also trigger those that are somewhat asleep to question who is really running this country (as if they already don't know).

The economy is struggling and will continue to do so as inflation sets in and the supply/demand of goods is manipulated.   Money is being printed and created electronically at an alarming rate.  This process is creating a false sense of wealth in those that have it, as the cost of goods is on the rise.  The purchasing power of the dollar is quickly diminishing, and this will be even more evident by the end of 2022.  

I also see that to deflect from the narrative of the "printing of money" the Powers That Were are saying that supply chains are compromised and the inability to get items is what is driving the price of items up.  That is somewhat true, but I get they are purposely  blocking the supply chain.  Between causing distress on truckers, falsely inflating gas prices, limiting the supply of gas/diesel and purposely not allowing shipping containers to dock and unload, YES the supply chain is being hurt.  THIS is why goods are hard to obtain.  If the PTW would stop printing excess money and allow the supply chain to flow, things could somewhat normalize, but I cannot see that happening anytime soon.  The cost of goods rising along with some items being difficult to obtain creates fear and panic, both of which the PTW thrive on. 

The items mentioned above also set the stage for an economic collapse, and then can enter the need for a new currency.  This will serve two main purposes:  to have ultimate control of what you buy, when you buy it and taxing transactions AND once a semi social credit score is implemented it serves as a way to "lock" your funds if you are doing something questionable or you are "reported." I see a lot more with this emerging and being evident as we start to close 2022.  This looks to be a major event more during 2023. (They want to create a tattle-tale society on the guise and emotion of virtue signaling).

Precious Metals/Cryptos
These markets feel like a roller coaster and also a game.  

With regard to precious metals, they look to raise in value "some" but also look to be suppressed.  They will close the year on a high, but aren't even close to a real valuation.  The PTW to keep the price low while they continue to buy, and also create the illusion that these aren't the profitable investment when compared to other stocks or cryptos.  The PTW do not want people to possess tangible worth that can be used in trade or barter.  The goal is electronic trackable transactions (whether credit, debit or crypto type based).  By the end of 2022 silver and other tangible currency look to almost be demonized (maybe even a surcharge or high spot prices for use/purchases??) in order to push this electronic agenda.

Cryptos are volatile, but overall look to gain.  The PTW want people to feel confident in electronic investing.  Currently cryptos are secure with their blockchain technology, but I sense that this will not always be true, and perhaps it applies to a newer type of crypto to be introduced (or gain momentum) in 2022.  Even though fluctuating, and sometimes drastically, the more popular ones (notably BTC, ETH, DOGE, SHIB, and two other coins that look to have a "Z" on it, and another with a "T") looks to end 2022 profitable.

Beer Bug
As I think on the beer bug a lot of energy looks to pair with this topic.  I get it will still be a useful tool is creating division between people, and also to keep fear alive.  The pro is that it is also been so played out that people have started to do their own research and more and more people are waking up to inconsistencies or their own personal truth meter.

I do get that there will be one variation after another.  They will say it is mutating, but organic  mutations don't evolve that fast and they become less potent.  The Powers That Were (PTW) are slowly releasing new variations to see the effects and give an excuse to keep the shots coming.  There is no money to be made is peace and truth, but there is a lot to make on shots and fear.

The good news is that I see in summer/fall of 2022 some kind of class action suit will come about and decrease the amount of power and force the PTW have.  They may make life difficult for those that don't want to participate in their agenda, but they loose a lot of forced compliance.

I also see a lot of illnesses, new allergies, and possibly a new form of autoimmune disease come forward.  This will all be related to the shots, reactions to the shots and 5G meshing with those that have had the shot.  This too will not only wake, but alarm some people that become even more outspoken than they are now.  This is a scenario in which something good comes from something terrible.

Every year has it's scandal and this year is no different.  I sense by the end of 2022 there will be a transition of power in the US.  Not only will the current administration shift (Harr-Is), I see China being more influential than ever.  Lots of this looks to be exposed, and like before those who want to see it will.  Those wanting to wake up will and those that cannot handle a paradigm shift will stay stuck.

Gates will continue to buy farmland, and push will be for green energy (lobbying will keep that going) and supply chains will be falsely compromised to skew a false supply/demand.  An enormous push for fake meat will happen, and farmers will struggle with the supply chain (these PTW are sick). The dems will use this leverage to get what they want, hide inflation under the guise of supply/demand costs and oil prices will be manipulated.  I get a story (on alternate new channels) will break shedding more light on this, and a HUGE social upheaval is the result.  I see lots coming forward with this.

I also get that the flood of non-citizens will increase tenfold.  The dems want to ensure their next term and want to "try" to do it based on votes.  I see some kind of pathway to citizenship and special treatment for those that get here by ANY means.  Something big comes out of this to impact the country.

Social Dynamics
Moving forward there is a lot of social unrest.  There still looks to be a lot of division.  The 3D reality of earth encourages heavy vibrations (and the PTW look to keep vibrations within that part of the collective low).  Part of the heavy vibrations involve a me vs. you or us vs. them mentality.  As people participate in choosing sides I see they are also identifying with the group and loosing individuality.  This entire way of thinking creates social unrest, protests, violence and aggression.  

2022 looks to be filled with this above mentioned "mind stuff" that manifests into the physical.  This will spark some to "wake up" and others to double down in their beliefs.  I see the social aspects within 2022 going through some major shifts.  As 2022 comes to a close the divide in people's mental and spiritually will be evident.

Weather is always a popular topic.  I do not see the chem-trailing stopping.  This has proven to be a method of mass delivery of whatever the agenda at the time needs.  We will have moments of clarity in the sky followed by moments of constant bombardment.  If you notice a lot of activity in the sky you may consider doing some gentle detoxes such as a liver detox or herbal detox (do your research).  I see keeping up on detoxing really does help to mitigate the effects. 

I get that there will be some major weather events in the west coast of the US, northwest part of Europe, southern Africa and coast of Australia.  They look to be either earthquake or volcanic in nature.  It feels like there is a rumble within the earth, and the earth is expelling some energy.  I see the majority of this activity happening toward August through November 2022.

I also get that in areas of social upheaval and conservative views they will experience the effects of HAARP.  Watch for extreme and unexpected weather in these areas (I am planning a post on this topic next week).

There is a huge amount of people that are awake to the world and will awake in 2022.  I get that part of the absurdity of our world is necessary for people to be forced to see things.  Those that want to ignore the events around them will be stuck in this reality, but many more will begin to question things.  It could be social, economic, political or cultural shifts that trigger this way of thinking as they all have an impact in different ways.  There will be a growing number of those that chose LOVE over FEAR.  

In closing, 2021 was a roller coaster of a year.  Political power transitioned and our country has been forced to shift into something unrecognizable.  As I think on the dynamics of the world I get an image of my grandfather in spirit and he just shaking his head.  I understand it isn't out of anger, but concern for his great-grandkids who are being brought up in a world so different from how it was decades back (and not in a good way).  There is nothing normal about our current time, and we must not be so complacent that basic rights are taken.  Be true to yourself.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Have a happy, healthy and safe New Year!  Love and light, Lynn 

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Cyber said...


Thanks for the predictions for 2022 but I didn't see any predictions for major wars such as China-USA, China-India, Russia-Nato. Tensions are quite high this year between these countries.

Robert Schoen said...

Thanks Lynn,even though a lot of this sounds pretty glum. I guess we must just turn off the news and rely on ourselves to find the positivity in life.

Anon said...

Interesting, Steve kirsch has blog and today he reported an increase of adenopathy, he is not sure if it is related... to the s hot

ela-mar said...

Thank you, Lynn! That's a positive reading. To hear that, next year, more people will wake up and stand up, that they will be more courageous and not comply with these despicable agendas, gives me hope.

The Great Teddy said...

Doesn't sound like we will make much progress next year :(

I was really hoping for more of the great awakening with disclosure of DS crimes and public outrage/definance.

Melly said...

I don't know but I'm feeling good about next year. As if some kind of unforeseen event will occur.

>As people participate in choosing sides I see they are also identifying with the group and loosing individuality.
Actually I've only really understood this the past few months. It seems like part of the spiritual battle that humanity always had since Ancient times was to either subsume ourselves to a collective, loosing the self or stay as an individual.
To be honest this information came to me as an epiphany, more so than reading it from others. So nice synchronicity there. I feel like I was guided to this information in some way.

Robin Hood said...

Hi Lynn,

Have you heard of biokenisis? It is an interesting topic, to what extent it it true ? Or can you take it as far as you want to , activating and deactivating genes that can, alter characteristics and traits as well as awaken abilities.

Thank you
Happy new year to all reader, CATs and to you Lynn


Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks so much for the comments!

As far as wars, there have and will be wars behind the scenes. China is the big one to contend with, but the odd thing is when I focus on it, it doesn't feel like a "true" war of opposition. The US has been slowly sold to them, and they are gradually owning us. It isn't as much a war, but rather a takeover of "their" promised land... This is a super weird dynamic and energy.

I will need to look on biokenisis. I have not done anything on it, but def an interesting topic to discuss.

Thanks again for taking time to comment. I truly appreciate it.

Happy New Year to all of you!!

Isanne said...

Thank you Lynn for sharing your pridictions for next year with us!

It all sounds like things will continu this way, but I'm expecting something huge in '22, like things can just change overnight?
I keep feeling the PTW are speeding up on their plans as things start to unravel, like pulling the plug to ensure a financial collapse, which will bring more chaos, panic and fear. They still have a lot of cards to play that people are unaware of....

So please prepare as much as you can, so you will not be blindsided by it.

Hope you and your loved will be safe and healthy in the new year!