Friday, October 22, 2021

Who or What Hears Our Prayers

Q.  Faith.... Is a major entity listening to our prayers?  I know so many people are praying and asking for the good to prevail, but evil seems to have the winning hand.  Is God listening? What's happening? Is this a test for our faith? 

A.  When I focus on this question, the first thing I hear is "faith over fear."  I get that with the state of our world, fear is a common theme that is propagated.  Fear is a low vibe emotion and it is easy to fall into that trap.  It is faith and belief in something that is elevating, but also requires some effort.  It requires shutting down the rational mind that can be dismissive and have a full belief in Source.

When we pray it is our guides, angels and protectors in spirit that come to our aid. They are all standing by waiting to be called upon.  Different spiritual beings have different specialties, and depending on the need, specific ones will work to assist.

When we ask for guidance we have to be careful how we ask for it.  Is there something specific you want?  If you seek financial freedom, ask for it in the most divine way.  If you do not chose your words wisely, they you may get want you want, but NOT in the way you intended.  For example, in one scenario you could have a huge windfall of money, and the other it could be life insurance due to a tragic loss.  One is divine, and one is awful.  Always frame your words wisely.

If you feel your prayers aren't answered, don't give up.  Source works in mysterious ways.  There is always a plan at work. Do you identify with the hardship?  Is it someone's path to experience life as a victim?  Are you the victim that needs to overcome something?  Is the event that is occurring meant for someone else to experience?  Sometimes it isn't easy or even in the greater good for an event to change motion and there is a bigger picture.  

You must have faith that the universe works in balance and things are always being reset. Spiritual beings are constantly around us to nudge and direct.  Things really do happen as they need to and there is a much greater purpose out there than what we think.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Truth & light said...


Cyber said...

Just ask yourself this simple question, if prayers really worked, then why did so many millions of people die during this pandemic? I am sure a lot of their relatives and friends prayed for them when they were hospitalized.

The truth is that we are partially controlled by our destiny or so-called life plan.

Unknown said...

Hi Lynn thank you for this reading!! Concerning the entities around us do they have something to do with sincronicites in our life? (here one definition I found recently: "SINCRONICITIES: The term was coined by the Swiss founder of Analytical Psychology Carl G Jung. He realised that whilst the majority of Earthly events are clearly subject to some form of 'cause' and connect to 'probability law', certain happenings are different and do not. These events therefore have an 'acausal' connecting principle. In other words, if two or more coincident events are seen to be causally unrelated they are said to be 'synchronistic'. Attempts to understand or explain in entirely material terms are difficult, complicated and incomplete. It is all very simple however once we accept that there is a spiritual world and a physical world and the two can interract. This is what makes a synchronicity ... the synchronising of two worlds".(channeled by Salumet). Thanks

Robert Schoen said...

What a beautiful answer to something on so many's minds these days. I'm for no fear and optimism things come back way better than they've ever been.

Anon said...

Thank you !!

Anon said...

what's the best way to phrase this "I want my kids to be protected from the vaccine mandate"?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Hi everyone! Thanks for the comments and sharing!

@Anon: The best way as I see it is to ask for "divine protection in whatever form that means." Allow the Universe to sort out the details and hold the worry..

Anon 2 said...

Thank you Lynn and Everyone.

My favourite way of Prayer is with Robert's 'no fear and optimism' and Lynn's 'Allow the Universe to sort out the details and hold the worry.'

I remind myself that I Am a Beloved Child of God/ the Universe, that I am always safe when I get out of my head and go into my Heart, where I am divinely loved, guided and protected.
Then I specify my desire/ need....and I let go and trust, in Peace, adding
'.... for my highest Good and greatest Joy. As God would have it be. And so it is.'
Knowing that the most beneficial outcome will emerge for myself and others, as it is already 'done' for my highest good.

May we all be blessed for our highest Good and greatest Joy....
And may we all find that divine Peace and Connection within
As God would have it be.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
And so it is.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

And so it is... Very true! :-)