Monday, October 4, 2021

Strange Masks with Protruding Eyes

Q.  Hi Lynn

Could you do a reading on these strange masks and statues with protruding eyes found in an ancient site in China?

Were they aliens with protruding eyes? If they are humans, what happened to the descendants of these people today? Why and where did they migrate to?  

A.  I do see these masks emulate ancient ET inhabitants that lived on earth before our current civilization.  I get the mask to the right is one that was used during solar eclipses and the third eye is open to receive the sun's energy and the eyes were symbolic of watching (without using the biological eye which would have caused harm).  

These ET inhabitants lived on earth closer to 15,000 (or more) years ago.  The ruins were protected with colder climates that have shifted over the centuries to be more inhabitable again.  These ETs left when it became inhospitable and the winters with lack of food and sustainable vegetation came to be.  The sun lost intensity due to where it was within the solar cycles, also making the growing of food difficult.

I do get the earth is much larger than we know (please take a moment to check out the theories Ewaranon puts out there).  I get these ETs moved to a different location on the earth's surface.  One that is slightly beyond Antarctica.  They took their civilization to repopulate, and all others left behind perished (they may find skulls or skeletons to support this???).  

Very cool topic and many thanks for posing it to me.  If anyone would like to know more about Ewaranon and those theories, please leave a comment below.

Love and light, 

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Robert Schoen said...

There's so much world history that's been hidden from us, but fortunately there are enough permanent records left in art, artifacts, architecture, and fantastic geological sites that can reveal ancient peoples and their highly evolved civilizations whose activities were ignored and/or suppressed by the narrow boxed Paradigm of official history.

Much of Chinese culture reflects this ancient wisdom in feng shui, the I Ching, and medicine like herbal cures and the reflexology meridians. I've often wondered if the Foo dogs at the entrances of their architecture were actual animals. These masks and many Chinese paintings depicting people with bulging eyes and manic grins suggest they were strange looking beings for whom these dogs were pets.

These people of ancient China also seem to have had a great sense of humor and creativity because the mask Lynn pictures seems to be about third eye vision, with tubular telescopes coming out of the eyes while there's an open window where the third eye should be.

I'm a big fan of EWaranaon and while you might not agree with everything he presents, it is beautifully presented and guaranteed to make you think and see the world and its history in a whole new light. The more you know, the more you realize how little you really know.

Jc mchezo said...

Can you describe what they look like, height, their size, their physical abilities or even any thing inhuman they can do that humans cant. thnx

Cyber said...


Wow! I didn't expect them to be aliens at all. The whole world would be shocked if they found out that this is proof of alien existence and they still live in Antartica.

Were they humanoid looking aliens like the Greys? Did they travel to Antartica by their spaceships? Do they still have their spaceships with them?

Robert Schoen said...

If you click on the article linked in the question put to Lynn to look into these masks, you'll see two other head busts from the same culture that are closer to showing what these people looked like. I just came across this Youtube of an Indonesian family in which two of its members look VERY much like these busts! The doctors there say it's a rare medical condition but the family says it is genetic because their father looked the same. What amazing synchronicity to find this!:

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@everyone! Thanks so much for leaving a comment! I love the sharing and discussion!

Ice said...

The post above is spam.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Ice: They try to sneak in here. Just deleted it. :-)

Cheryl said...

OK Lynn, now you've got me watching these Ewaranon videos. Soooo interesting!!