Monday, May 10, 2021

Volcanic Eruption and Beer Bug Shot Hostages

Q. Hello Lynn,

I hope this finds you well.

Can you look into the volcanic eruption on the island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (in the Caribbean)? Was it natural or MANipulated? Reason being they were making beer bug shot mandatory for evacuees (can you imagine - beer bug shot over humanity).

Love & Light!

A. When I focus on this event I see a scoreboard emerge.  There are two columns on it.  One is for "the people" and one is for the PTW (Powers That Were).  I see a referee putting a checkmark in the column for the PTW and I hear a fake audience cheer as if there was a competition or game being played. 

My impression is that a game is exactly what this was.  I see the PTW using weather MANipulation (I had to use the spelling from the person asking the question as it suited this response so well) to create some kind of event in which people would be scared, vulnerable and looking for help.  I also get that the area was strategically chosen for the demographics and socioeconomic status (lots of poor people that the PTW view as expendable).  

When the event happened the PTW were able to use the need to get off the island as a way to bully people.  This did two things:  it allowed them to develop a new tactic to force people into their shot AND it helped them to target poorer areas to sterilize those people.

I fully expect to see more natural disasters in impoverished locations.  This is part of Mr. Gates along with the PTW master plan to depopulate those places that they feel are expendable.

Very sad and very low vibe energy tied to this!

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you. Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

Weather manipulation is alive and well here in the United States also, as many examples of prove. Last week Biden visited in New Orleans to talk about the Antiquated sewerage and water system there, and the day before there was a torrential rain that flooded many streets. The Air Force is part of the DS.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: Interesting...

Truth & light said...

Every full moon they make it rainy/cloudy

Cathari said...

The best documentary on weather manipulation/geoengineering that I have viewed thus far is Dave Wigington's "THE DIMMING." It is two hours long and available on Youtube.

There is nothing more disturbing than looking up at the morning sky and seeing "chemtrails" crisscrossing the heavens from horizon to horizon, and knowing you are totally helpless to do anything about it.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Truth and Light: I'm sorry to hear that. The full moon is very powerful, so it appears they are trying to diminish that or prevent people from being out in the moonlight...

@Cathari: Thanks so much for sharing!