Q. Hi Lynn, I've been following your blog for some time...and more recently, this telegram chat. I really appreciate your work.
I want to share an interesting video that I think might be appropriated for a "Friday Mystery" reading.
What are these beings, where they came from and what were they doing near a volcano crater?
A. When I tuned into this, I had the mindset that I would be tapping into an ET being. I was quickly reminded not to ever have a preconceived notion because when I focused on this location and what energetic presence was there, I saw what looked like group of younger Big Foots (Feet??) that felt like they were playing, lost and confused.
I get they were running and having a good time, and then realized they were in the 3D. It was like they we in the moment of being with each other, and lost their own self awareness. Then once their realized they had manifested in the 3D, they knew they had to get back to their "home" density.
The emotion and angst they were feeling made it harder as this is a skill older Big Foot can do in an instant. This is why the appearance may have seemed like strange movements or trying to get hidden. I relate this to a cat trying to escape water- just feeling like they needed to get away and get back to their high density. They didn't look to have claws or strange teeth. They had a very normal Big Foot appearance. They did eventually elevate themselves to where they could disappear and at that point they left as quickly as they appeared.
And that is all I have for this reading. Please leave a comment and share your thoughts! Very interesting! Love and light, Lynn
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I love Lynn's description of the young Sasquatch switching there dimensional frequency, which I assume they did once sensing they were being watched or photographed. The most amazing thing about this video was seeing the image of Peru's Misti Volcano with its dome-like Cloud over it's perfectly round Mountain hump. Of course flying saucers would go there, which are often linked to Sasquatch sightings. I guess Advanced beings can recognize & work with each other.
@Robert: You are so right. They can absolutely work together.
Amazing reading! Lynn, what are your thoughts on the ships entering the volcanoes? What purpose? Most of us assume because of resources, alien base? Also, have the aliens encounter the big foot? Have they experimented on them?
@Karoline: I do see that tied to ET activity. Something about this location feels to be very high energy. It draws in the Bigfeet in addition to ETs. This volcano feels very energetically charged.
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