Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Beer Bug and Transmitting after the Shot

Q.  Hi Lynn! I hope that you are doing well! I was wondering if you could possibly do a beer bug update? Do you foresee lockdowns as a thing of the past that we no longer have to worry about in the US? A. Jones has predicted we'd be back to them by September if not for the beer bug then due to global issues.
A.  I get that lockdowns are a form of control and the more left leaning states will use this to encourage (ie force) people into the shot.  It is about people getting as frustrated as possible and just wanting their lives back.  I absolutely see more lockdowns in our future.  

The people that have been submissive or forced due to government mandates have already volunteered for the shot, but those that want to resist need more coaxing.  The lockdowns feel to be more of a phase two approach in which the resistant have their life made even more difficult and succumb to the pressure.  This could be things like employment or travel, and by locking people down life becomes very difficult.

The second part of this agenda (to lock people down) is to incorporate socialism in a stealthy way.  People that cannot work need the government for assistance.  Money keeps getting printed and the government is "saving the day."  Government along with social programs rise.  What people don't realize is inflation is higher than ever due to the printing of money, so your purchasing power is much less.  For example, costs of goods is quickly rising.  Locally a 2x4 used to be around $2, and now it is $9.  In Venezuela people would take wheelbarrows of money to buy a loaf of bread.  If this doesn't stop we are headed in that direction.  The government knows exactly what they are doing by making people less empowered to take care of themselves, ie easier to control and manipulate.  They are creating a victimhood society.

Q. Also, can you address the issue out there of those that have had the beer bug "shot" transmitting the bug or a variant of it?
A.  There is a theory that those that have had the shot are basically an incubator for a mutated version of this sickness.  I do get that the shot does encourage different variants to grow because as the shot is put into someone's body and their immune system reacts to it, and different genetic composition is created to spread.

People with the shot are somewhat contagious.  I do get you have to be in close proximity and it is spread through the mucus membranes.  It feels to be more than just saliva, it is more from a deep cough, but yes it can be spread.  I still see to combat this you have to wash hands and stay out of faces.  Unless they are symptomatic and cough in your face, a few feet look to be sufficient. Be diligent, but you don't have to walk in fear.  Treat them like they have the flu and just common sense precautions.

Q.  Hi Lynn,   I came across a very strange thing. This girl I am friends with on FB is a light worker and has been discussing the beer infusion.  The discussion started with women having strange menstrual cycles to a different kind of question. 

It seems that those who do healing such as reiki or bodywork (I don’t know what it would be called exactly, but they are close to the patient) are having symptoms of their own after working on those who have taken the shot. This is a whole new thing and I had heard of a light worker sensing a change in a client but not of light workers being affected themselves. 

This made me curious and concerned and I was wondering if you would be interested in looking at it. I wonder if it affects light workers would it also affect just a person who gets near another person who has had the shot.  It is very weird.  Thanks! 
A.  When I focus on this (and please share this with your friend) I get that light workers are very in tune with the client they are working on.  Most light workers not only pick up on the other person's energy, but they are empathic to the person as well (emotions, physical symptoms, etc).  When a person is at one with their client and doing the healing, they can take on the client's symptoms if they do not properly set protection and learn how to disconnect at the end of the session.  

I see this is what happened to your friend.  She needs to really focus on setting boundaries to energetically protect herself.  Maybe incorporate some mantras and even place some crystals about (or clear the ones she is using).  I cannot see that she has contracted anything, but this is more a situation of her owning or identifying with the person empathically.

At the end of the light work session she should be sure to clear herself and her space.  Make sure the energetic disconnect has occurred.  She will be at one with the client while doing the work, but should not carry it with her throughout the day.  

(I'm currently working on a post regarding the Spike Proteins and what is going on there... Stay tuned..)

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Robert Schoen said...

Thanks for doing this important read, Lynn. There's a lot of conflicting reports out there about the extent that vaccine takers have become infectious so the advice to treat them like they got the flu is welcome. I have to assume the White Hats saw this beer bug plot coming from a mile away and still wonder why Trumpet pushed the vaccine route instead of insisting on using proven safe and readily available drugs like HCQ, ivermectin or even non prescription supplements like Selenium, Zinc and Magnesium that can fight off ALL viruses. Time will tell...

SB said...

I’m screwed my whole family got the shot and they are in my face all the time. I tell you makes you wish they would all poof away to some other realm. They are also a lot meaner after it too and treat you different if you don’t agree with any of it. Invasion of the body snatchers like something else is running them all.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: I have similar thoughts... I think T had to go with is as to not be too contradictory especially so close to election. Notice he took the HCQ and came out fine (in the false sickness). I think that was his way to try to diminish the fear.

@SB: I'm so sorry to hear this. :-(

Cyber said...
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Cyber said...


Does wearing a mask when someone coughs help to get ourselves from being infected by the virus?

KellyPalmer said...

Nothing like a bit of vaccine misinformation mixed in with Covid19 misinformation. Trump did in fact take the vaccine.... he did so quietly though. Trump got better quickly after contracting Covid19 because he got the antibody therapy.

Celestial said...

To date, we are reported to have 9 cases of patients in Singapore infected despite having been fully vaccinated even after 2 months.....

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Cyber: Unless it is a medical mask, I don't really see it being helpful. The size of the vy-russ is so small it goes right through.

@KallyPalmer: He did the HCQ...

@Celestial: I'm not too surprised...