Thursday, February 4, 2021

Beer Bug and the UK

Q.  Hi Lynn, the situation in the UK is pretty bad and has been for a while with regards to the Beer Bug. We are on our third lockdown and everyone is really feeling it this time including myself. Can you see what will happen here and when we can expect to see even a little normality? Thank you!!

A. When I focus on the beer bug in general, I see we still have more to deal with.  I know that certain places are locked down and have specific mandates.  The true issue is keeping fear alive because if we resumed our life with the logical assumption that there is a 99% survival rate, then the "beer bug shot" would not be as sought after.  Also modifying our lifestyles with arbitrary guidelines makes people frustrated and desiring to go back to the old normal at any cost, even if it means putting unknown chemicals within your body.  Fear and desperation are both at play.

Looking at the UK specifically I cannot see it coming to an end in the near future.  I see that realistically until many people have taken the "beer bug shot" they will keep the country locked down.  In a sense it is a way to bully what they want if people don't gleefully run for it.  Limiting daily life, jobs, economy, travel, are all in their playbook to manipulate what they want.

When I try to see timeframes, I get that summer (June/July) or late summer (August/September) things will start to resume.  By this time many will have the "shot" and the social experiment will be in force.  Ideally they will want to force their will on the rest of the population, and create a situation of "those with the shot" being virtuous vs. "those without the shot."  This starts the phase two with a huge push, but will slowly dwindle by the end of 2021.

Buckle up, we have a rough 2021 in regards to this.  We will get through it, but it will take some time and patience.

Love and light, Lynn 

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Jacqui said...

will this be the same for australia?

Neeraj said...

What do you see for India? How India will do with regards to the bug & the shot? Will our govt force general population to the take the short or will make it voluntary.Thanks.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Jacqui: I see a similar trend in most countries...

@Neeraj: I see this trend being what most countries do. Many have bought into this as a way to get back to normal life and also interface with other countries (otherwise there will be a divide/travel restriction/trade war, etc between the countries). They are great at bullying their way.

Anniemouse said...

Thanks Lynn, I live in the U.K. and will need to travel as my elderly mum lives in Europe. The U.K. are now talking about vax passports, and I’m worried if I don’t vax I won’t be eligible for a passport, meaning I won’t be able to see my mum. Tough choice. Or could it be if we don’t vax then we’ll have to pay for mandatory 10 day hotel quarantine wherever we go in Europe? Also not a pleasant option, and expensive. Both options are pushing us really hard to take a shot. So, for whatever reason, if we have to vax is there one which is less harmful than the others? Many thanks for your kindness in sharing your insights and wisdom x

EA RW said...

I've read that this is made under a "no liability" clausule. I also came across news articles surrounding deaths due to the toxic chemicals.

They want you to voluntarily put this garbage into your own body.
Western civilization has completely lost it.

Robert Schoen said...

It's ironic the Globalists are now becoming the biggest Anti-Globalists in their effort to restrict free travel between Countries by imposing a "beer bug shot" passport insisting travelers get a mandatory shot that most people's common sense will tell them not to take. Can't wait for their downfall...

Cyber said...


I've asked Lynn the same question about which is less harmful and she said they are all the same. I would have thought those which used old technology (like China's vaccine) without changing our DNA would be better than the Pfizer/Moderna.

Anniemouse said...

Thanks for your reply. I hoped the old technology ones wouldn’t be as bad too. Wishful thinking perhaps. Perhaps there is something hidden within the old-style ones (we won’t find out about).

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Anniemouse: It will be tough, and this is the exact bullying they will use to try to force people. If you can wait, I think it will slowly go away, but if you mom needs you it is going to be a very tough personal decision. xoxo-

@EA RW: Yes, they have immunity on this. Basically they are under zero liability.

@Robert: You and me both!

@Cyber: I don't see any as good, but the lesser of evils is the old technology. Cyber, you are right.

Thanks for the comments. Have a great Friday!

Anonymous Reader said...

It would not surprise me that the "shot" is expected to be pushed. I have a particular worry that my employer may potentially make it mandatory for all employees and I honestly don't want to risk my job because I'm not the slightest bit interested in the "shot".

wickedlydia said...

It is my understanding that the people who get the shot will be the ones that will succumb to a ‘cytokines storm’ when the virus comes around again. They’ll blame the deaths on the mutated virus so that more people will get the shot. It is my hope that someone will be paying attention and make the link between the shot and the deaths. It really is a shame that it will be people’s own physiological response, because of the shot, that will be their undoing.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Anonymous Reader: I agree that many employers may try to force this. They may also tie it to your insurance plan, etc. I really feel they will do what they can to bully people and it isn't right.

@wickedlydia: Yes! You are right.

Thanks for all the comments, everyone!