Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Beer Bug Treatments: Alternative and Western Medicine

Q.  Hey Lynn what's the truth with this?  

Tanzania in East Africa has a population of double Australia and hasn’t officially recorded a single beer bug case since the start May. They opted to fast for three days and use the power of prayer, with traditional healing techniques like steam inhalation, and natural cures like ginger and lemonade.

Can this really be effective?  Thanks.
A.  When I focus on this I get that many people there don't trust the "shot" or even traditional medicines.  They are used to seeking more natural remedies, and this illness is not viewed differently.  

I do get that different things work for different people.  I do get they do have the beer bug in their country, regardless of what they are reporting.  Fasting does help as it clears the body of toxins, sugars, etc.  I hear the phrase "starve a fever and feed a cold" which further reinforces what I am hearing.  

Steam is also helpful, especially when combined with a few drops of Frankincense or Tea Tree in the pot.  Lemon water (no sugar so I would not say lemonade) also helps as it supports a detoxing effort.

Vitamin C, D and zinc look to also be beneficial.  I am impartial on the ginger.

The above mentioned items won't prevent, but will help support the system should you find yourself ill (Note: I have not studied medicine so please use good judgement).
Q.  Hi Lynn, Can you take a look at some beer bug shots (from different manufacturers) individually and see if they are safe or not and what effects they have on the human body?
A. I recently did a post of this, so I wanted to share the link:

In looking at all the variations, anything that attaches to your DNA will alter your natural composition. It looks to impact how your immune system works, and several years from now I get we will really see the results. Not only does it alter DNA, makes our natural defenses weaker, I get it will impact fertility. Please do your research if this is something you are interested in pursuing.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Lynn

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Robert Schoen said...

Early on, a microbiologist who disagreed with the whole covid story came out and recommended taking selenium as a potent prophylactic to prevent getting viruses. I took that advice along with taking zinc and magnesium and have never had any of my typical allergy, cold weather symptoms or reactions in a year. I also did a long Master Cleanse fast using fresh lemons maple syrup and cayenne pepper. There are several people I know directly who got severe cases of Covid, but I think prevention is the best course. HCQ and Ivermectin would be great if you want to go the prescription route and can find a doctor who would prescribe it, but the RNA changing "vaccine" is bad news.

Neeraj said...

Thanks for sharing Lynn, I just want to add few thing. Dont forget diet, diet is more imp in time like these. Eat plenty of fruits, green vegetables, take probiotics along with green tea & if possible chaga mushroom tea regularly (Chaga Mushroom is being used in Russia for treatment & prevention of the bug). Also consider anti viral herbs like turmeric,ashwagandha, ginger, clover & etc in the mix. Get yourself tested for Vitamin D Level & start take Vitamin D supplement as your life depends on it. Target Vitamin D level of 60 & above as there are plenty of evidence that the bug will not bother you that much if your Vitamin D level are high. Timing is everything in bugs case & more so if you caught cough & cold. Keep kit of meds like Ivermectin, HCQ, Zinc & etc ready.
Check the below video for more:-

Cyber said...

The vaccines Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA which modify our DNA but AstraZeneca use genetically modified virus and Sinovac use a weakened Covid-19 virus which don't modify our DNA. So can we say the latter two batches are safer?

Anon said...

Neeraj, I bought ivermectin by mail and the post office in the US didn’t deliver it!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Hi everyone! I totally agree with the ivermectin! Great advice from everyone. I TOTALLY agree with all this!

Cyber said...

If Ivermectin is effective, then why did none of the countries in the world ever advocate it? Care to explain?

Anon said...

Invermectin + zinc + azitromicin helps in the beginning to reduce, it is not a cure but it helps

Unknown said...

This Dr n politician explained:

Maybe Lynn can confirm. Both vaccines r not good! Unless u want to have the side effects haha

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Cyber: Iver- is newer to be tested. I think we will see much more on this.

@Anon: Yes, it doesn't prevent, just helps to lessen severity.

@Unknown: Correct, I don't see ANY being good. They are all harmful in their own way. The "booster" you get two weeks later is even harsher than the first dose.

Hope said...

Something to ponder -

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Hope: Yes... I did hear about this. Not good!