Q. Hi everyone. Now that 2020 is coming to a close (what a year!) I wanted to take a look at 2021 to see what we have in store for us. With the help of all of you, I've compiled some topics to look at. I hope you enjoy! Love and light, Lynn
**As I approach this, in many questions I saw two different timelines emerge. It is as if we are in a flux and either could be possible. I resonate most with the Trump timeline prevailing, but the Biden one still has some residual energy. I will share what timeline I'm seeing when needed. If I don't specify, then the answers pertain to either one.**
US Election / National Issues
Who will be living in the W.H. by the end of January 2021?
A. I'm not sure I see anyone in the White House by the end of January 2021. I think the power struggle will be continuing. If we aren't in a Civil War, we will be on the brink before a resolution is found. The results will not be initially accepted, and the fight will be continuing on. The White House still feels in limbo or something is off with it during that time (through Jan 2021).
Will there be an EMP by the sun or other countries directed toward the U.S. and/or Texas?
I do not see an EMP, but I do see interruptions in the electric grid. I get that the Chinese are working overtime hacking into our various systems (to hold us hostage). I see a major hack sometime between February and May 2021. Be prepared (get your generators ready). It looks to be short lived, but definitely alarming.

Will Texas succeed?
A. I see that IF Biden succeeds (there are TWO DISTINT TIMELINES at play), Texas will start the process to succeed. In the Biden timeline, the first agenda looks to be getting guns. I cannot see Texas complying to this or a communist/socialist state. They may try, but the Texans will fight this and it will be ugly.
A. I see that IF Biden succeeds (there are TWO DISTINT TIMELINES at play), Texas will start the process to succeed. In the Biden timeline, the first agenda looks to be getting guns. I cannot see Texas complying to this or a communist/socialist state. They may try, but the Texans will fight this and it will be ugly.
In looking at Texas, I see that it isn't just Texas that looks to try to break away. On a Biden timeline the country is very divided, and may even work toward splitting into two countries with the Mississippi River being the divider. If Biden gets pushed through I fully expect the country to start talking division (geographically and politically).
Will Biden resign to allow Kamala Harris assume office? Will the U.S. recognize that this was the original plan and respond with a negative reaction?
A. In the Biden timeline, he will fake and illness and resign due to the illness. The people seem to accept this as authentic, however, the people have been "awakened" to the agendas will know the truth.
SpaceForce most significant (secret) findings?
A. I cannot see any legitimate findings announced in the media. The key word is "legitimate." They will find things, but not make them public.
Will businesses have more piling debt that will force them to close due to the "lockdown?" Will it lead to even more economic problems that would cause more unemployment?
Will Biden resign to allow Kamala Harris assume office? Will the U.S. recognize that this was the original plan and respond with a negative reaction?
A. In the Biden timeline, he will fake and illness and resign due to the illness. The people seem to accept this as authentic, however, the people have been "awakened" to the agendas will know the truth.
SpaceForce most significant (secret) findings?
A. I cannot see any legitimate findings announced in the media. The key word is "legitimate." They will find things, but not make them public.
Will businesses have more piling debt that will force them to close due to the "lockdown?" Will it lead to even more economic problems that would cause more unemployment?
A. It will definitely take a while for the economy to rebound. On the Trump timeline, I see he will get the businesses up and running. He will work to get a stimulus to those that need it. The stock market also looks to stabilize, which slowly helps the economy rebound.
The Biden timeline looks to have a premeditated war with China. I see lots of dirty deals being made as China slowly buys up American land, assets and utilities. As China blackmails and makes deals with politicians, what seems like war is truly a preplanned confrontation. I get on paper the results and goals are already outlined (pertaining to an upcoming war).
The Biden timeline looks to have a premeditated war with China. I see lots of dirty deals being made as China slowly buys up American land, assets and utilities. As China blackmails and makes deals with politicians, what seems like war is truly a preplanned confrontation. I get on paper the results and goals are already outlined (pertaining to an upcoming war).
Bitcoin has reached some new all time highs. Will cryptos gain in popularity and become more acceptable? Will 2021 be a good year to invest in them?
A. Cryptos do feel to be popular through at least the first part of the year. I get they are going to try to do a tax on transactions or some kind of tax on buying/selling them. If they succeed (in Biden timeline they do, in Trump they don't) cryptos look to loose some of their popularity. In some ways I see cryptos being a trap- get people into them, have people make money, and then drop the hammer on them with the tax implications... Be cautious with this.
A. Cryptos do feel to be popular through at least the first part of the year. I get they are going to try to do a tax on transactions or some kind of tax on buying/selling them. If they succeed (in Biden timeline they do, in Trump they don't) cryptos look to loose some of their popularity. In some ways I see cryptos being a trap- get people into them, have people make money, and then drop the hammer on them with the tax implications... Be cautious with this.
World Politics
Will there be more developments that would say we're on verge of another war or regional conflicts?
A. Yes, watch for China to do a slow creep on the northern border of the United States. I also see China slowly infiltrating Australia, Africa and other parts of the world. This China situation looks to be something that needs to be watched. The Trump timeline will involve him fighting them off, and a potential war. Biden looks to do a "pre-planned" war.
Will the current Boris Johnson government of the UK continue?
A. I do see Boris lasting at least through the next year. I cannot see a major transition.
What do you see concerning the development in Europe? Which European countries will see the greatest development towards a freer, truth-oriented society in 2021, contrary to the falsehood that has permeated the "beer bug" measures in many countries?
A. I get that in terms of a freer and truth-oriented thinking, France looks to be moving in the right direction. Europe in general (the whole country) faces great challenges in this area, but toward the end of 2021 something looks to shift where people have REALLY had it. The mental, physical and emotion exhaustion of all this makes many people snap and start to critically think which is the precursor to "waking up."
What is going on with the Queen?
A. I get she hasn't really been in power for a long time. I see that she has a team of advisors really managing things, and also keeping up appearances as if everything is running smoothly. I also get a body double has been at play. I see this year being the year of transition of power to Prince William. This [I get] was supposed to happen in late summer 2020, but the beer bug caused other distractions and the timing wasn't right.
Beer Bug
When will we all be done with masks? Ever?
A. On the Biden timeline, I see the masks lasting a LONG time. Masks trigger subconscious fear by keeping us reminded that a virus is still out there. This looks to last at least through summer 2021.
On a Trump timeline, the masks will end shortly after the "shots" start to be administered to the most "vulnerable" people.
What is the status of the "Shot" and after effects?
A. It is coming for sure. I get they will be giving them out ASAP, maybe even before 2021. They will work to get as many voluntary people as possible, and then start to pressure those that won't comply. I also see some kind of incentive tied to getting it, and some kind of "punishment" for not getting it. I expect that not too much will change right away, but by the end of 2021 you may have to have a "card" to get into certain areas/events. People will fight this, and it will definitely not go over easily.
Will free speech come back to university campus or are we still having to endure the cancel culture for ideas that are just different?
A. On the Biden timeline this looks to get even worse. You won't be able to watch a tv show, movie or commercial without an agenda being pushed on you. I see a shift of people going back to older tv movies (like re-releasing of old stuff) because people can only take so much. I cannot see free speech feeling free, and this timeline will have censorship that makes you feel like you aren't even in the same country.
With the "woke" culture almost completely infecting every aspect in entertainment (including sports), how much worse would things get within the next year if it continues to persist?
This is going to get much worse before it gets any better. I see this year full of labels ending in "obia" and "ist" if you think in any way that differs from the alt left. This culture has become very popular, and for some (not all) people it makes them feel special and they will fight to keep it.
Social Unrest
I think we are all wondering what will happen next year regarding the Powers That Were. Will they finally be exposed and arrested (indictments and Gitmo, Epstain, etc)?
On a Biden timeline, all of this looks to slowly fade away. He will work tirelessly (well the PTW will) and erasing all this.
On a Trump timeline, he looks to take all this down and get it exposed. This next year is CRITICAL to take action. I get everything is in line, traps have been set, he just needs the time to pull it off.
When are the ETs coming?
A. They are already here. I see that the UFO activity is more now than ever. We are in a huge shift of consciousness, and the ETs are here to see it through. We have energy shifts, culture shifts, political shifts and power shifts. This heavy energy is like a beacon for them to see and when needed help facilitate.
The Event/Awakening
Will there be more developments that would say we're on verge of another war or regional conflicts?
A. Yes, watch for China to do a slow creep on the northern border of the United States. I also see China slowly infiltrating Australia, Africa and other parts of the world. This China situation looks to be something that needs to be watched. The Trump timeline will involve him fighting them off, and a potential war. Biden looks to do a "pre-planned" war.
Will the current Boris Johnson government of the UK continue?
A. I do see Boris lasting at least through the next year. I cannot see a major transition.
What do you see concerning the development in Europe? Which European countries will see the greatest development towards a freer, truth-oriented society in 2021, contrary to the falsehood that has permeated the "beer bug" measures in many countries?
A. I get that in terms of a freer and truth-oriented thinking, France looks to be moving in the right direction. Europe in general (the whole country) faces great challenges in this area, but toward the end of 2021 something looks to shift where people have REALLY had it. The mental, physical and emotion exhaustion of all this makes many people snap and start to critically think which is the precursor to "waking up."
What is going on with the Queen?
A. I get she hasn't really been in power for a long time. I see that she has a team of advisors really managing things, and also keeping up appearances as if everything is running smoothly. I also get a body double has been at play. I see this year being the year of transition of power to Prince William. This [I get] was supposed to happen in late summer 2020, but the beer bug caused other distractions and the timing wasn't right.
Beer Bug
When will we all be done with masks? Ever?
A. On the Biden timeline, I see the masks lasting a LONG time. Masks trigger subconscious fear by keeping us reminded that a virus is still out there. This looks to last at least through summer 2021.
On a Trump timeline, the masks will end shortly after the "shots" start to be administered to the most "vulnerable" people.
What is the status of the "Shot" and after effects?
A. It is coming for sure. I get they will be giving them out ASAP, maybe even before 2021. They will work to get as many voluntary people as possible, and then start to pressure those that won't comply. I also see some kind of incentive tied to getting it, and some kind of "punishment" for not getting it. I expect that not too much will change right away, but by the end of 2021 you may have to have a "card" to get into certain areas/events. People will fight this, and it will definitely not go over easily.
Will free speech come back to university campus or are we still having to endure the cancel culture for ideas that are just different?
A. On the Biden timeline this looks to get even worse. You won't be able to watch a tv show, movie or commercial without an agenda being pushed on you. I see a shift of people going back to older tv movies (like re-releasing of old stuff) because people can only take so much. I cannot see free speech feeling free, and this timeline will have censorship that makes you feel like you aren't even in the same country.
With the "woke" culture almost completely infecting every aspect in entertainment (including sports), how much worse would things get within the next year if it continues to persist?
This is going to get much worse before it gets any better. I see this year full of labels ending in "obia" and "ist" if you think in any way that differs from the alt left. This culture has become very popular, and for some (not all) people it makes them feel special and they will fight to keep it.
Social Unrest
I think we are all wondering what will happen next year regarding the Powers That Were. Will they finally be exposed and arrested (indictments and Gitmo, Epstain, etc)?
On a Biden timeline, all of this looks to slowly fade away. He will work tirelessly (well the PTW will) and erasing all this.
On a Trump timeline, he looks to take all this down and get it exposed. This next year is CRITICAL to take action. I get everything is in line, traps have been set, he just needs the time to pull it off.
When are the ETs coming?
A. They are already here. I see that the UFO activity is more now than ever. We are in a huge shift of consciousness, and the ETs are here to see it through. We have energy shifts, culture shifts, political shifts and power shifts. This heavy energy is like a beacon for them to see and when needed help facilitate.
The Event/Awakening
Can you update us on The Event?
A. I get we are not only in a political and social division, we are in the middle of a spiritual warfare as well. The recent solstice marked a huge step in the ascension and awakening process. It was as if those beings that were able to get through 2020 and all that was thrown at them were given an ability to truly awaken and see truth. As difficult as 2020 was, it provided a multitude of opportunities to nudge the subconscious to question things and seek truth. The Event won't happen all it once. It is too much for our 3D bodies, but 2020 did trigger many subconscious upgrades.
As always, trust your intuition and let it guide your path.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Have a Happy New Year!! Love and light, Lynn
I think young black people will start leaving the Democrats.
If you Get a clearer reading on who ends up in the White House will you update us? Thanks for the 2021 reading.
Uughh...I need a drink, and I don't drink! Very discouraging Lynn's read that the election won't be resolved by Jan 20 (insider Juan O Savin said it could take til April or May with Trumpet in) Nobody really knows what's going on, except it's all moving slower than what we'd all like to see.
I was hoping this permanent RNA altering 'shot' was a plot to expose the crookedness of Big Pharma instead of being a mandatory mark of the beast for everyone. We'll see as early recipients continue to have serious issues.
Pray that we get an honest non-propaganda media and social network that continuously spreads lies and silences those speaking the truth. Stay positive and project the intent for a better world into existence.
So... in terms of the above, was this for 3d? What do you see for 4d?
Thanks for all the answers. It feels like 2021 is expected to be rather rocky regardless of the timeline. I still feel that it's projecting towards the Trumpet timeline based on what I see, but there's a chance that all of this would be for nothing. The way I see it, enough of the damage would be done of which we'd still feel the effects, especially due to the PTW's accelerated efforts and the "wokester allies". I think that was always the plan, especially when I imagine what Economist cover could be saying.
Wow, thanks Lynn this post must have taken you a lot of time to do, very much appreciated. I'm hopeful Trumpet will win eventually, afterall he has 'God' on his side.
Thanks Lynn! I appreciate you!
I thought one of the universal laws was "free will?" How do these clowns get away with interfering with the free will of the American voters? I have been pissed for over a month and half and I got so many questions, maybe a topic for a future reading... Were 7+ million votes really changed in Frankfort? Did the Chyna Commie Party really make fake ballots which were sent to the swing states that all happened to stopped counting at the same time on election night? What is going to happen at the "wild" event on January 6th?
Thank you Lynn for answering my question about Boris Johnson's government if you get a chance can you look into the other part of my question namely the pole shift followed by a ice age which I think this beer bug issue is tied to.
Hi Lynn i hope you had a Merry Christmas and enjoy this festive week. Have a Happy and prosperous New Year.
A few years ago I remember reading on your blogs that as the country became polarized and divided, that there would certain bubbles that would maintain a certain level of calm, peace economic opportunities.
Could you mention a few places that look to be in a healthy high state of being or will become so in the future?
I recall you mentioning the great lakes area.(michigan/detroit?/wisonsin/ Illinios/ohio?
Also are their other states or areas that maintain a collective high vibration?
Texas? Vermont?, Maine? SC?
Thanks again Lynn for your commentaries.
Thank you Ms. Lynn for answering some of my questions. I have to be prepared on what's coming next year and I'm now already getting myself out of international news (CNN) that my father is often watching (he's retired from seaman duty).
@Myway: I agree. I see the dems trying to create victims out of people that are strong and independent. Victims need the system to survive, and that is what they want.
@BillieBee: I will def update you! I am concerned with this as well. Our future depends on it.
@Robert: I am so ready for this to be done too! I'm ready to move forward and this is like being stuck in mud.
@Dada: Great question! This is all very 3D oriented. 4D feels MUCH lighter and lacking politics!
@Anonymous: It does feel very rough in the beginning. I was hoping we could leave 2020 behind, but will will have to sort through the after effects.
@Nurse1277: These do take a little while to put together, but I enjoy doing them. I'm always curious what comes through too. :-)
@MediumBrian: Thank you. I appreciate you taking time out of your day to see what I've posted.
@Ryno: A lot of people, myself included, are upset with this. Just as we have free will, so does the deep state. The challenge is who will prevail. Yes, this election was a TOTAL farse. It will be exposed, but the sleeping people and people with deep hatred for Trump cannot even entertain it regardless of the facts. This will def be interesting!
@Anonymous and Robin: How about I take these and do a new post (my answer will be buried here). Let me look at this next week.
@chinny: Good idea. I think the most vast you look for your news, the better and more objective.
Thanks for all the great comments! Happy New Year!
Thank you so much Lynn! Also I do have the same question as Robin regarding which states are safe zones particularly in the Great Lakes area, in case the Biden timeline happens. I know it sounds coward-ous of me, but it's best to know which states we can move in to to regroup in case things go down the drain.
I have always found it strange that there are huge divisions between people, and the emergence of viruses that have caused loss of life and real economic problems. For example, a large number of people are unemployed. The US stock market is still rising to a new high. Will the stock market still rise in the new year?
Thank you so much for this reading, Lynn. it must be difficult for you to do some of these readings. We are all very grateful to you. Sending you and all visitors on your site, blessings for a happy and healthy New Year.
@Melly and Robin: These are great questions. I pulled them from the comment section to do another post soon. Thanks for bringing this up. It is important to know the safer areas.
@Siu: I see the stocks being fairly stable early on, and then a shift by mid year. Just watch trends and be alert.
@LyndaC: You are most welcome!
Happy New Year to All!
Ohio currently has a horrible “state of being”. I’ve never met so many grouchy people in my life. Don’t move there. We spent a few months there in misery and finally left.
Tx for this reading!
Happy new year and may the truth set us free!
@Gratitude: Interesting. That's were I'm from. I think it depends are where you are but the governor is definitely questionable...
@Unknown: Yes!
Hey Lynn could this prediction be the reason for Trump being a winner as you have been seeing?
Donald Trump's rise to power after the lost election
After the chaos surrounding the US's 2020 presidential election, Mr Hamilton-Parker predicts Democrat Joe Biden will go ahead and assume office in the White House.
But this will not be the last we hear of Donald Trump - quite the opposite.
According to the psychic's predictions, the Republicans will expose some evidence of electoral fraud but not enough to swing the election's results.
Mr Trump will meanwhile find newfound glory as a "messianic" figure of sorts.
Mr Hamilton-Parker said: "Trump will put up a ferocious battle. He will take things to the high court but will not succeed.
"Cheating is revealed but not enough evidence to call for a new election. The challenges will continue in 2021.
"Trump TV will be launched and will quickly become popular. A deal will be done with Fox TV to screen Trump TV shows."
Mr Trump will then supposedly take on a much bigger interest in religion.
Mr Hamilton-Parker added: "He will become a more powerful voice than President Biden and will still wield power through the media."
Craig Hamilton-Parker
@Vortex: I definitely could see this as a pathway. A lot of what you said resonates as it being true. This will definitely be interesting.
T hings changed quickly
@Anon: Yes, they sure did!
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