Thursday, November 12, 2020

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Cathari said...

So Might Makes True seems more accurate than Might Makes Right.

For, in fact, he who has the power controls perception of reality, and therefore the "Truth."

They mean the same essentially, but Might Makes True has a fresh ring to it.

Yet, although that is how it appears on the surface of things, there is still spiritual Truth behind all of the ever-shifting perceptions upon the physical plane.
And it is that higher reality that we must make our focus, if we are to be healthy souls.

Robert Schoen said...

this is a topic that's close to my heart in that for the last five years I have been researching art history & discovered with the help of Lynn many works by one of the most famous artist that ever lived that have been misclassified and ignored by four centuries of academics that were either in on the cover up or should have known better. Just like we have Fake News today, so much of our history is not what's written in the text books: Still being suppressed is the truth about the JFK assassination, Peal Harbor attack, the real reason behind wars and earlier plagues and illnesses that were the beginning of bioweoponry.

The truth about many aspects of official History is coming out as the internet has opened up forums for independent researchers who've been shut out from publishing by Academics who want to maintain the status quo and are threatened to see their own status as experts challenged by outsiders, but fascist Big Tech like the CIA created Facebook & Amazon are now ramping up as thought police shutting down the truth on real time events, & will end up trying to create a world where false history can never be challenged. After all, history is written by the victors.

Cathari said...


Any historical personality or event can be viewed from countless perspectives and angles, both on our current physical plane as well as the higher spiritual planes.

So much of that is because we are incapable of allowing ourselves to drop away when attempting to reach the Truth. The lower personality, with all of its self-centered attributes, never ceases to interject its own "stuff" into any given perception. Only when the perceiver has the ability to let go of all personal inclinations, will Truth shine forth from the shadows of individual subjectivity.

If Truth, and Truth alone, be our goal, then we must train ourselves to be selfless and empty when receiving information about the past, present, or future.