Many of you may have discovered that the YouTube police have made another round of de-platforming people. I've been safe so far, but as a way to back up my content I opened a account. Please feel free to check it out and bookmark the page. For now it is censorship free....
I am a mom of 4 with a passion for helping others. Using an intuitive spin I write on a variety of [controversial] topics. My goal is to find truth and offer guidance. You can request a topic for the Public Blog or schedule a Personal Intuitive Health, Wealth, Relationship or Happiness Coaching Session by clicking the appropriate tab. Please consider checking out exclusive content on my SubscribeStar and Substack channel. God Bless, Lynn
The question is what type of accounts are they deplatforming and why?
New round of deplatforming? Damn! Who've they deplatformed now?
I just heard on an alternative news channel on youtube that a censorship campaign against corona virus and vaccine information has commenced. SO that could be it.
X22 report is suspended AGAIN!
@Cyber: Anything alternative or conservative. It is really ridiculous. They don't fit the narrative of the PTW and they are scared that Trump will win.
@The Enlightened One: So far and the list keeps growing:
Destroying the Illusion
Joe M
X22 Report
Edge of Wonder
SGT Report
Amazing Polly
Truth & Art TV
Dustin Nemos
Stroppy Me
JustInformed Talk
Sarah Westall
@EA RW: Yes, it is getting ridiculous.
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