It is considered the biggest maritime disaster since WW2. Some divers discovered a previously undetected hole in the hull of the ship. It was all over the news today. It has lead to speculation that the ship was rammed possibly by a submarine.
Thank you!
A. This was a great and also curious question. I spent some time focusing on the area and thinking about the accident. In viewing the path of travel, and honing in on the point in which the bow supposedly broke off, I do feel and enormous jolt. This feels more than just rough waters or a current within the water impacting the ship, and more like the startling jolt you'd feel in a car accident (and takes on the same appearance of motion).
I really want to know what caused the impact or jolt. I get there was an underwater body that collided, but I get it was an accident. I see the military doing some kind of testing. It was as if there was some confusion regarding who would be in that body of water (like the MS Estonia was either delayed, early or perhaps not on some kind of roster??). The German military was testing submarines and doing maneuverability drills, and this was a complete accident.
I see they tried to cover this up. It looks like at the time this happened many higher up politicians that were affiliated with the military were struggling with funding. It also looks like the military may not have been favorable to the people, or the people were not in favor of what direction their leadership was taking the military. Regardless, this was a horrific event that was caused due to negligence and improper/poor timing.
I do see the truth coming forward, but it may take a lot of prompting by the families and people that are connected to the incident. They will want to keep this hidden, but in the coming months it looks to come to light,
Please take a moment of pause, and guide these families to some much needed closure.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Lynn
Thanks for the info, Lynn. π ❤
By the way, Help me pls, to heal people and the world, in these pandemic days of covid19. π We need to love and care more for each other. ❤ π
I'm sure a lot of these types of accidents with the military occur all the time but are never reported because they can start a war. Think of all the US navy vessels that were damaged around China two years ago or how Iran was attacking oil tankers in the strait they control.
Some citations from the blog
"...On the very day Estonia sank, NATO's 10-day "Baltic Sea naval exercises" began with the militaries of 10 NATO allies and 10 Partnership for Peace nations provided ships and aircraft for the "Cooperative Venture" exercise, which was a "peacekeeping, humanitarian and rescue operation" exercise. There has been, however, no discussion of NATO's role in or lack of response to the sinking of Estonia.
The day after the sinking, 9 crew members were removed from the lists of 146 reported survivors as a Gulfstream 4 (Reg. N971L), and a Boeing 727-200 (Reg. VR-CLM), left Stockholm's Arlanda airport carrying 4 and 5 unregistered passengers each. AnΓ©r has the documents from the airport's archive that show that the fees for the two airplanes were paid by the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm. Among those who disappeared after having been on the survivor lists from Estonia were one of captains, Avo Piht, and the ship's chief engineer, Lembit Leiger. Piht and Leiger would be key witnesses as to the ship's seaworthiness, its cargo, and causes of its mysterious sinking, which took 852 lives.'
Both JAIC and GGE found two unidentified ships on the scene of the accident. It is likely to believe that they are the same ships that follow close to the M/V Estonia route, and slow down at the time of the disaster.
They have found that Estonia started to sink before they said she did. And she also sank faster. According to the JAIC report, Estonia started to sink 1:14 and disappeared 1:50. Now they say she started to sink at 1:05 and was gone 1:25
I personally read an article in a magazine about the M/S Estonia 14 days before the disaster. In that article they pointed out a possible disaster-scenario where some material was being smuggled on board (from Estonia to Sweden). This material however, would explode if it gets in contact with water.
In Autumn 2004 a scandal erupted in Swedish media after a revelation made by retired customs officer that about the time of the accident in 1994 M/S Estonia has been used by Swedish military intelligence to bring in electronic equipment illegally acquired in Estonia from Russian Army (former units of USSR Baltic Military District). Swedish court investigator Johan Hirschfeldt later confirmed that the military intelligence indeed used M/S Estonia in September 1994 for bringing in secret military equipment, but the content of the shipment will remain classified for 70 years, thus adding up arguments to possible conspiracy theories.
The German journalist Jutta Rabe also decided to ignore the imposed sanctity to make her own investigations, mainly based on conspiracy theories. Her investigations resulted in the motion picture Baltic Storm, which portrays the Russian secret service as being responsible for the sinking. The plot portrays the Swedish government as being responsible for using the ship to covertly transport Russian high-tech components to the United States..."
Thank you! I pray daily for truth to prevail.
Off-topic, but I just want to share an astrological interpretation by Leah Whitehorse. Hooboy, the clockwork of Astrology:
Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Uranus conjunct Black Moon Lilith – Shocking or surprising news is in the air. This is an unexpected plot twist that will reverberate until mid-November as this Mercury-Uranus opposition is the first of three. We may feel anxious, wired, unable to concentrate. Or perhaps we’re grappling with technology; watching social media blow up; arguing with siblings; dealing with disputes. Deeper truths are coming to light but maybe we don’t feel ready to hear it or don’t know how to respond.
The rumble beneath our feet is both scary and liberating. Nothing can stay the same. The only constant is change. Make room in your life for new ideas, new connections, new growth to take the sting out of surprises. Your inner witch is awake and ready to revolutionise your life.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 09°Sc34', Black Moon Lilith 09°Ta34' – 19:41 (BST)
Mercury 09°Sc37', Uranus 09°Ta37' R – 21:55 (BST)
Uranus, Black Moon Lilith 09°Ta37' D – 20:41 (BST)
@Truth/knowledge Master: I totally agree!
@Robert: Yes, exactly. I think so too.
@DOT: Thanks so much for this information. I had not heard any of this. Even though it came through as German, it is possible that it was another country intercepting something. Interesting!
@The Great Teddy: I do too!
@Ice: I do appreciate you taking time to share this. Thank you.
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