Q. Lynn, have a look at some of the top rated shows on Amazon, Hulu and even Netflix. I not only see predictive programming and agendas at play, it looks like they are showing their playbook via truth in plain sight. I recently watched Utopia which depicts a viral outbreak among children which was created by one evil man. What are your thoughts?
A. I get this happens ALL the time. I see the PTW (Powers That Were) releasing this type of media to put it in the subconscious, and also to desensitize us. By accepting it, and having no reaction other than seeing things as entertainment, in a way it allows for permission. I also see that the PTW try to see how people respond to things they release or events they participate in so they can modify agendas and false flags accordingly. It creates a social experiment of sorts.
This show illustrates just how actors can be cultivated and convinced to partake in these "events." They truly use MKUltra techniques, and also break their psyche to create the person they want. The conspiracy isn't quite the conspiracy when you see how it is done and this is just one example. I felt like I was watching a director trying to show just how easy is done and how people are truly duped by this.
I also noted how the blackmailing occurs. They either can drug you or put you in difficult situations so they can plant evidence (like disgusting photos of you doing unmentionable acts that you have no recollection of) to use against you at a later time. Many people go to the dark side for fear of the blackmailing and worry that they won't be believed.
A patsy is always needed. They find a person with a history of mental illness. They either create a perpetrator, or do the crime themselves and pin it on the patsy, with the illusion of a forced suicide to finish off the crime in most situations. They do not want evidence of a chance of conflicting stories. They write the narrative.
[Spoiler Alert] One of the most unsettling parts to the show the intentional spread of a virus to cause fear and hysteria. The person leading the intentional spread and "treatment" is in favor of reducing population and has other agendas in mind while committing unmentionable acts against society. The fear and hysteria leads to an immunization that is ineffective, and leads to future generations of infertility. I did a reading saying that will be our future if we don't watch. (Remind you of anyone, B. Gates?).
I don't want to give away too many spoilers, but the outline of this series highly parallels what is going on. Based on these events, and readings I've done, we are in for some unsettling times while we work through the current beer bug.
And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light, Lynn
I've never seen this show and I'm suspicious of almost anything being made from Hollywood these days, but the premise of this show really sounds like it could also a warning to wake people up to what's really going on. I wouldn't be surprised if many of the screenwriters for shows like these create the stories based on what they see happening behind the scenes of the news, intending the show to be a warning to people of what could happen, but then the network producers get in the mix to add and change story elements to satisfy this predictive programming agenda.
I've been watching old movies, a lot of them from the '40's or 50's, and besides the fact that their stories are much better on a human level, it is almost like stepping into a time machine to see how life was back then. Even the movies made in this more innocent time had their share of social engineering agendas, subliminal product marketing promoting certain fashions, cars, cigarettes & alcohol, so in a way they were also programming the lifestyles of previous generations.
In Australia the (Aust)ABC is re-showing the series 'Utopia' made over several seasons. All local content and the gist of it is the ridiculous planning, government departments to go through and the cost of programs, waste of money, infrastructure, etc that the public doesn't really want. Black comedy.
One thing also to consider is what comes up on children's cartoons/programming these days. It feels like it's more made for activist points targeting "grown up children" rather than the actual children. Also look at the cartoon channel social media accounts. One would say that "Globohomo is interested in your kids"
@Robert: I agree with this on many levels. Lots of programming, and it is in overdrive right now.
@daisy: Interesting...
@Anonymous Reader: I agree. Sadly, our kids are under attack in many ways.
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