Monday, July 27, 2020

Why do we poop?


Q.  Another question no one has answered properly... Why do we eat? Why do we poop?  Why does this physical aspect of us sometimes feel strange, alien and even meaningless.  It is as if we want to be fully food-independent and just experience or act without this "heavy rock behind."   

I know that during out of body experiences and lucid dreaming human aspects like eating or pooping/peeing don't exist for our astral self unless we wish it to be. At first glance, it seems our existence is much more perfect in the spirit realm. The physical world may be better and more interesting, but weirder and more alien.

Do we also have to eat, when we evolve into non-physical beings?
What is the purpose of eating or experiencing consumption of flesh of other living beings (water included)?

Yet again, it's more interesting to hear an intuitive and spiritual perspective rather than perspective of mainstream science, because I've heard it, and it doesn't feel like full picture. 

A.  Great question.  I put the intent out there for this question and wanted to gain some insight.  I get that eating and eliminating is part of our 3D lesson and experience.  It is somewhat a low vibe activity; however, necessary within our 3D world.  Our 3D world revolves around a linear timeline that involves a circle of life within that timeline.  Just as we are born, mature and eventually pass on, plants and animals do too.  Life is a process of births and deaths.  Every living thing in our 3D world is part of a life cycle, and connected through a carbon connection.

Eating and excreting is part of this cycle, and how the cycle continues on.  A bird may eat a berry, taking the life essence in of the berry, and then when the bird excretes the seeds, it creates new life through shedding the seed within it's own fertilizer.  Eating the berry may also stimulate the berry bush to produce more flowers, or yield more fruit.  The cycle does have some flaws, but it's design was meant to be divine under perfect circumstances. 

I also get that the cycles can be seen with more integrity in nature versus the more civilized societies.  For example, if humans were in the wild and ate an apple, they would excrete the seeds and potentially an apple tree could grow.  Eating other plants or protein also creates fertilizer that other things use for life (such as insects that land on it to breed).  In our more evolved societies we have taken much of that from the way we live. 

Water (or more importantly electrolytes) is needed for cell replication, and also to keep nerve pathways functioning.  Things like sweating and breathing slowly dehydrate you, and your 3D body will start to decline.  

For those that feel weighed down by food, the good news is as you ascend, this will be less important.  You will need to nourish your body, but your body looks to be able to extract some needed life force from the sun.  What cannot be gained from the sun looks to be satisfied through an organic plant base.  You will poop, but it will be much less frequent.

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Robin Obinrays said...

Thanks for answering.

MediumBrian said...

The gnostic gospels also explain this and why we do it.

daisy said...

MediumBrian, briefly, what do they say?

daisy said...

Lynn, there are also people who claim to be Breatharians, living only on air and a little liguid. And there is also the thinking that we will be moving into a crystalline body and taking in what is needed for that.

Amanda Nicolich said...

I have never understood why people eat meat. I've never understood why a life has to be given up just to be someone's meal:'(. Do you see vegetarians as overall being more high vibe than meat eaters? If the intent is to not eat meat because you don't want to eat an animal and not because you don't eat it because you just don't like the taste
....Thank you. BTW I loooovvveee this picture haha

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for all the comments.

@MediumBrian: I am also curious what they say.

@daisy: I didn't connect to that, and I really felt as humans we had to be within these various life cycles. It might happen, but I cannot see it.

@Amanda: If you can image life cycles like the gears within a clock- that is us. We are all interdependent on life. Other animals take life (plants or protein), and we also do the same. Everything is a cycle of harmony in it's own way. I cannot see vegetarians being higher vibe than meat eaters (or vice versa), and your food preference doesn't change your frequency (it is more about your attitude and intent). You should give thanks to your food because there is a life force that had to be given regardless if it is plant or animal based.

Robin Obinrays said...

@Amanda, i think it has to do with minimizing our consumption of any living being.
I still didn't get a resonating answer on why do we have to eat other beings at all? Why do we do it here, when we don't do it in the spirit realm?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robin: It is because our 3D existence is built upon cycles, and the life cycle is part of it. We are like the gears of a clock, all interdependent. As participants in the 3D life cycle, we must consume some element of life force (plant or animal base).

Ice said...

Why is there suffering tied to the consumption of another living being?

For example, predators and prey. Videos of animals in the wild show that the prey run from the predator. They look like they don't want to be eaten.

Now, I wonder if vegetable plants don't want to be uprooted?

There are other means to comsume without suffering, such as picking fruit. When we poop for the benefit of plants, we generally do not suffer.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Ice: This is a tough one. I will say in our 3D world, there is an element of suffering (mental, emotional, physical, etc) that we encounter. This life cycle is all part of that.