Monday, June 15, 2020

Is Anyone There on the Other Side?

Q.  Hello Lynn, Are there any circumstances in which you can't reach someone on the other side, someone famous? Would it because they don't want to speak to you, or perhaps because they might exist in a state that does not permit you to reach them? Would it be possible to have Socrates, Plato and Aristotle available all at the same time, asking them questions and getting replies from them? Thanks 

A. I always approach my readings with the intent to communicate with the desired person.  The challenge is if the person wants to come through.  

Sometimes the being is surrounded by other beings that have a stronger presence, and when that happens, the stronger being typically takes center stage.  It is as if many beings are fighting to be heard, and depending on what energy is surrounding them, their ability to come forward may be overshadowed.

I have had situations where the being didn't want to communicate.  They are "taking in" and navigating their current spiritual plane, and don't have a desire to revisit the 3D plane. In these situations, even when I put out the intent, they do not chose to reciprocate.  I may see a shadow, or a movement, but they don't have a message to relay.

If a spirit has already incarnated, there is still residual energy in the spirit plane, but the trace amounts make it difficult to get a message relating to the life experience I'm inquiring about (Sometimes they leave a lot of energy behind, and it can be quite the opposite- it just depends).  This scenario also makes it difficult to get an effective flow going.

It is possible to get a grouping of people together if they want to come together.  I have had many situation where there is a family or a close group that shows themselves, but most times there will be just one spokesperson doing the communicating.  

Thanks for the great question!  Love and light, Lynn 

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Robert Schoen said...

I can think of one historical personality I'd like to commune with, & maybe already maybe already have... ;-)

Cyber said...

I am not sure whether I understand Lynn's reading correctly. If someone has already reincarnated on earth or other planets, does it mean we can't communicate with them anymore via psychic mediums?

@Watch said...

Thanks! Would it be theoretically possible to, for example, ask Hitler (provided he did not reincarnate) about his secret UFO project, or in which country he was living at the time of his passing?

Raymond said...

I have always wondered how Jesus responds to so many people praying to him at one time or
how Angels can receive messages among all the spiritual noise. I understand that everything has a vibration and they can identify us through them, I just don't understand how it works.

But, it would be great if someone was Gifted and they held a "Roundtable" with some of the geniuses in history and asked them questions about morality, physics or medicine that would benefit us today.

Thanks for your blog Lynn.

mycale said...

So it is possible to communicate with someones residual energy if they have already incarnated?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Robert: :-)

@Cyber: You can, but it may be more difficult to get a detailed message.

@Watch: It is possible. He may come through, or mostly likely him with other beings/Source would step in to help.

@Raymond: In spirit you can be many places. You aren't confined by the 3D. It is a very different experience.

@mycale: Yes, it would be that and any guides there that can assist.