Friday, June 12, 2020

Hilary to Testify! Ms. Clinton Please Raise Your Right Hand

Q.  During the distraction of the protests I saw on an alternative site that the court ruled Hilary will end up having to testify in her email case.  What will happen with this? 

A.  When I read this question, the first thing I hear is "Que the smoke and mirrors."  It looks like right now the Dems are trying to do anything that creates a challenge for Trumpet and keeps themselves in a more positive or neutral light until the election is over (pandering will be at an all time high).  Hilary being forced to testify is coming at a bad time, but with the media being controlled by the PTW (Powers That Were), they are able to keep this type of news from taking the front and center stage.  

I see that the rest of 2020 is going to be full or turmoil.  Once one event fades from the media, another will emerge.  Some will consume the news such as the beer bug, and others will just be a blimp like the murder hornets.  The new story consuming the media is the protesting and race war that is being constantly instigated.  The socialist democrats have a goal to reform the culture the United States was founded on and create one that aligns with their agenda.  You have to tear it down bit by bit... statues and monuments and all, and recreate their own ideals.  What people don't realize is this is the agenda of the PTW, and "people" are their pawns doing their work.. 

I digress... back to Hilary.  While all the distraction and unrest is going on she will end up testifying.  She will try to play them "I don't remember" and "I'm not sure" game so she doesn't purger herself.  Her "team" is already trying to find a loophole and a way to escape this, but I do get she will end up testifying.  She will play this off as it is not being a big deal (aka "nothing burger"), but it will be a very big deal.  Unfortunately, not much of this will make it to MSM. 

I hear that "even though she will ultimately be found guilty, and the Clinton body count (listed victims are in the hyperlink) numbers will rise, she will get off easy."  I hear it will be more like a "Martha Stewart approach."  She will be on some kind of low level security or house arrest type of thing, and the media will play it off.  Somehow she will be shown as the victim in this within the stories MSM is able to release and alter to fit their narrative.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn 

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Ryno said...

Of course this Hilary "won't remember," whatever Hilary clone shows up to this hearing will not have actually been alive during the whole email scandal.

Random question but I remember awhile ago that you, Lynn, said that DJT would actually have a woman V.P. as his running mate for his next term and that Pence would be moved to some other part within this administration; do you still see that is a possibility?

Robert Schoen said...

the private advocacy group Judicial Watch has been doing the work of the justice department for too long in getting Hillary to finally testify, but what about all the military tribunales to send deep State traitors like Brennan, Obama and podesta to GITMO? Will Hillary be charged for higher things or did she already have to stand trial at a secret military Court?

One of the lasting repercussions of the 2016 election is the rise of activists women in politics, a lot of whom played active violent roles in the George Floyd protests and riots. A young woman was sitting atop the monument right behind the Civil War statue that someone else broke off and pushed onto a black protester almost killing him. the pussy hat March right after Trump's inauguration set the stage for this kind of angry feminist energy.

mycale said...

But overall, are we on a path to freedom from these sick people?

Wendy said...

So the big question Lynn is why why do these politicians get these kind of breaks. CAN YOU GO FURTHERWHAT IS SHE?

Myway said...

Most of the young black people I know are open to new ideas and many of them don't vote. Do you think that young black people are going to start leaving the democrats?

Iverna said...

I'm tired,when is this crap going to end? These people need to get their comeupance

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Ryno: Yes, I am sure a clone or double will be involved in some way... As far as DT, I really felt (and feel) that somehow a woman will be in alignment during the campaign. I haven't really seen it emerge yet, but still think something could be on the horizon.

@Robert: I hope I am wrong and GITMO does get some new residents. I feel that the military tribunals will be used, but maybe not on her specifically. Yes, the angry fem moved started at the beginning of the administration and has grown ever since.

@mycale: I believe in the greater good, so I want to say yes.

@Wendy: They get breaks because of 1. money/influence and 2. blackmail (they corrupt and entrap people in situations they normally wouldn't be in so they can use it against them later).

@myway: Yes, I do see that happening.

@Iverna: I feel like 2020 is a year of awakening (not always in a good way or easy), but 2021 will be the change.

SB said...


You might enjoy this he confirmed what you got on Floyd I know lots of people said he wasn’t really dead but just check out what he dug up.

Anonymous Reader said...

It is not surprising to see on the news of various statues and monuments of all kinds being removed and defaced, from Confederate figures and war monuments to even a former owner of a football team. It feels like history is slowly being destroyed of "wrongful" people regardless of their contributions. I get a sense that if a significant figure would make a disagreement on a certain topic that they could simply have their reputation and achievements be wiped off the map.

There's also been NASCAR banning fans bringing in the Confederate flag, which while may be a "popular" move according to the media and corporate peoples [in order to make "everyone comfortable"], is really just another case of bending the knee to PTW forces. The same goes with the forced BLM messaging into the sports world and even popular online games.

You gotta love election year, right?

But anyway, I had been following the ongoing series of posts from the person referred to as BDA and the interpretations from the site owner's twitter account:

Certainly has been some interesting postings from there considering recent events.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@SB: Thanks for sharing! I will check it out!

@Anonymous: Thanks for sharing, and I do agree that culture is being changed in front of our eyes. The PTW cannot change a society without changing the culture. It is like a full on attempt to get agendas in place in "hopes" they win.. This will be an election year like no other!