A. The first thing I hear is "knowledge is power, power is control, and control is money." The PTW realize this, so they want to make sure they hoard the knowledge for themselves. You can take a person, give them knowledge, and in the right situation they can lead a movement either in thought or physically.
How are the PTW doing this?

There is also a much greater wisdom out there. There are ancient methods of understanding such as astrology and healing that feel to be a lost art. I'm unclear if hundreds of years ago there was an illusion of something being destroyed (I see massive fire in a library) or hidden, but I get there is a lost ancient knowledge due to this disaster. The only way this lost knowledge is now transferred is from person to person as it was never transcribed again. The plot thickens though as I get the originals of these documents (they look like scrolls) were stolen and are tucked away and used by the PTW to gain any kind of edge while plotting their path.
Lastly, I see the PTW trying to manipulate time and circumstances through Project Looking Glass (I did a reading on this earlier), in which they use a device to look and attempt to travel through time. The issue is that they know only enough to be dangerous, but don't fully know what they are doing, so they base decisions on false information.
The PTW are ruthless, and try to lie, misinform and cheat in every way to get ahead. The problem is that you cannot cheat the Universe or Universal Laws, so everything they impact will eventually come back to them full circle.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Lynn
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You gave a reading on a book Called Book of Aquarius. The book was written by a monk who was instructed to write it by alien.
@myway: I assume you don't mean the one that is available now about Alchemy, right?
@Lynn: Do you know why the negative forces were allowed so long to reign so long and why lying and cheating was so effective? Thanks!
No,I don't mean a book on Alchemy. I mentioned this book because Lynn said it had lost information and that the original book was buried in the middle east.
In the article on people suppressing knowledge, Lynn said that there are ancient understandings of astrology and healing that are only transferred from person to person by word of mouth.
Makes me think of the burning of the great Library at Alexandria by Julius Cesar
Lynn, could some or all of the strolls found throughout history that imply knowledge, thruth and so forth, be hidden inside the v@tican? Any members within the v@tican forming part of the ptw?
the beauty is that today we have the internet and things like YouTube where there are so many people who are sharing their research and investigations into this lost knowledge. Lynn said that knowledge used to be passed down orally and today with YouTube people are sharing techniques and skills on every subject matter. the internet is creating a model of a collective Consciousness through the availability of such interactions. All you need to know is what question to ask and a good dose of intellectual curiosity.
Are the PTW and the illuminati the same? What is the difference? There is an ex-illuminati programmer called Svali who became Christian and informed about the illuminati lifestyle. Could you do a reading on her. She has since gone underground.
Thanks for all your work.
@myway: A lot of info has been suppressed. There is some documentation, and some people have rewritten lost wisdom, but there is a large amount that has been lost.
@mycale: They were allowed because we have been spellcasted and allowed (gave permission) to this treatment for so long. That time has come to an end.
@Karoline: Yes, I do think that have some hoards of info. Also know the symbols of the vat-- They have many "pineal" symbols all over it.
@Robert: Very true.
@susan: Many illuminati are PTW. There really isn't much difference.
Thanks for all the great comments!
How can lost knowledge be gained? Can information for the good of humanity be channeled through meditation? Is the suppressed knowledge of the esoteric?
@Ice: Yes, it would take a lot of discipline (unfortunately some info comes from ETs and we either need to interact or channel them) but it is possible. As we raise the collective consciousness it will also be easier to tap into it.
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