Q. Hi Lynn, Australia has introduced a cashless welfare card called Indue. They are trying to make everyone go on it including pensioners etc. It costs $10,000 per person to implement. People on it are finding it flawed and not working as expected. The government says the scheme can be exited if necessary by an individual, but that is also flawed and not working either. What do you see for the future of this cashless card.

The goal is to get people on a cashless system. When people use electronic credit or funds the government can track every purchase. They know what you have, own and who you are doing business with. This not only provides information for the purpose of marketing, but they can profile people based on what and where they purchase items. It also provides a way to tax or surcharge specific transactions that would have normally been handled via a private tax sale.
When things are handled cashless it also keeps the control with the government in the event of an economic collapse. If you don't have tangible money, who really controls it? The government has access to anything being stored by electrons, and can "borrow" or "seize" or limit what you have access to.
I see this Indue being one of the earliest ways to introduce this type of system. They will see how people react, try to make it appear "convenient" and test how the process works. This whole thing feels like a test that other countries may follow. The PTW (Powers That Were) have a goal to get the cash out of people's hands, and are implementing ways to allow it to slowly happen.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light, Lynn
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Can you see the PTW succeeding before being completely ousted from power?
@mycale: I don't see them fully succeeding. They will gain a little momentum, but will be stopped before the full completion.
Lynn will this govt get tossed out they were meant to go last time but somehow hung in there
Time to start bartering again, like we used to.
@Suz: Yes, eventually. I get the people have really had it. It will take them coming together.
@Dada: Most definitely!
"@ Suz said...
Lynn will this govt get tossed out they were meant to go last time but somehow hung in there"
Suz, do I presume you to be Australian like myself?
Unless we can get Hanson into higher office, nobody else will stand up for us.
Since 2013, we have seen Abbott knifed, replaced by numpty Turnbull, and now we have SCUMO.
I have no love for LNP, but just remember the pain ALP put us though under those corrupt inept lying imbeciles: Rudd and Gillard.
Australian government has become the Muppet Show. Both parties need removing. NOW.
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