Monday, February 10, 2020

Gaia TV and Space

Q. I do have one topic that I would love for you to talk about.  It is Gaia TV.  Are they telling the truth about the space program?

A.  (I'm not on Gaia TV, so I will approach this from on intuitive perspective).  

I get there is a lot of truth and mind expanding ideas shared on Gaia TV, but you still have to run things through you intuitive filter.  Depending on what specific program you explore, you will sometimes find more truth than others.  

In a summary, I see that space is full of mysteries.  We have ETs constantly coming and going.  Some ETs are here on Earth, while others stay in the atmosphere or on the moon.  They come and go through portals as you cannot get off Earth in the traditional sense due to the protective firmament.  It is possible to leave Earth, but you have to know how, and have the technology to do so.

Many mysteries on Earth are tied to ETs.  They assimilated, bred, shared information and taught humans many aspects tied to our history.  They may not be in as high of numbers as they once were, but they are definitely part of our evolution and development.

Disclosure has been happening for a long time.  People are opening up to the concept.  The subtle slow rate also allows people to adjust and slowly shift internal paradigms.  Things like Gaia TV are another tool to get the message out there so people can be more accepting to the idea.  I see it ramping up (disclosure) even more as time passes, and things like Space Force will enable it to happen (watch for this).

And that is all I have.  Thanks and feel free to share your thoughts.  Love and light, Lynn   

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Robert Schoen said...

Never subscribed to Gaia, but I've seen many of the programs on YouTube and other sources. It's a platform capable of having both very good things and then some other shows that could be more dubious. David Wilcock famously left the channel 2 years ago over a disagreement with its program Ancient Civilizations which he felt promoted a luciferian agenda he didn't want to be associated with. As Lynn says, use your own discernment.

Neeraj said...

Thanks for the reading Lynn. True history of Humanity will ever be revealed. How will Disclosure change life? What about suppressed patents? I have too many question lol. It is interesting that you mention space force, recently its logo was revealed & guess what logo of space force resembles that of star trek

SB said...

Interesting I just watched Jupiter Ascending which got bad reviews but it pretty much outlines what you got here. The people that directed the Matrix created the film. This film just out right talked about the loosh farm aspect of our world that Robert Monroe wrote about. And all the intermixing of ETs. I wonder if movies like this is a form of disclosure as well...

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

Thanks for the comments. I do think there is some good stuff to take in, but like Robert mentioned, we have to use our filter to see how it resonates. Disclosure will be a huge shift- we will start to accept there is more out there, and humanity will shift with it (for the better).