Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Band Aid Mystery

Q. Hello there! I was wondering if you have been watched any of the witness testimony for the impeachment hearing recently. Specifically, Fiona Hill, Marie Yovanovitch, and the Daniel Goldman. I noticed all of them were wearing band aids on just their right hand. It caught my attention because Kate Middleton has been photographed a lot having band aids, especially just on her right hand, and also Megan Markle. I also recently saw that Melania Trump recently took a photo with prince Harry and he secretly threw up a hand signal with his right hand showing horns. Do you believe that there is any symbolic meaning to these or am I just looking way too much into these elites? I just have a weird feeling that there is an elite group of persons with bad intentions.

A. When I focus on this, there is an overwhelming amount of negativity surrounding this.  The PTW (Powers That Were) are so desperate to get Trumpet out of office, they are resorting to drastic measures, and look to be participating in some "occultish" type behavior.  Some is voluntary, and some is by fear and force, but regardless, it is done in desperation and their perceived necessity to redirect the agendas and self preservation.  

The people that want Trumpet out are terrified at what he may do next, not because it hurts the people, but because it may incriminate themselves.  That is why many people are stepping down from their positions, and people are hiding from the public.  Many dirty deals have been made in politics for many years, and those deals are having a light put on them.  Trumpet is ready to expose it all, and just waiting on the right timing.  

What I specifically see is their hands being cut, and their blood being taken.  (In Kate's case it looks to have been done while she was asleep due to her non-compliance.)  The blood is then taken by some of the more "elite" PTW (Powers That Were) that are deeply aligned with the Reptilians, and they use it during a very dark ceremony. 

This "dark" ceremony looks to bring in some kind of perceived help (the illusion the PTW have) to propagate their fear, and aid them in fulfilling their agenda ending in a New World Order.   What they fail to see or understand is they are fighting against a timeline in which the fate cannot change.  These ceremonies, even though dark and creepy, are losing their effectiveness as the collective rises and the 4D emerges.  

Those that are able to incarnate in the 4D earth will, and those that come back to the 3D will still need to work toward ascension.  The 3D earth looks protected from destruction, so even being "stuck" here doesn't give them a pass to destroy and control.  The 3D will be tough, it will be full of learning, and there is lots of opportunity to work through lessons.  The tough learning and lessons are exactly why they won't be given a free pass because the Universal Laws want people to grow, expand and eventually ascend (the "reptilian" path as it is does not lead to anything of a higher vibration).

The truth is in plain site, and yes Harry was sending a message.  I get he is trying to rebel against some of his family ties, and acknowledging what many people already think.  He is being attacked with some mind control stuff as well.  It is like he goes back and forth with the "old" and "new" Harry.  I see this as a sign and a confirmation of what's out there.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Please send love and light to those helping to share and expose the truth.  Love, Lynn

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TheOnlyOne said...

Who is the leader of the reptilians and what is their ultimate goal and why? I freaking love Price Harry.

Serene said...

I cannot help but think in the future, volumes and volumes of books are going to written specifically about this period in history.

Robert Schoen said...

Several of the impeachment Witnesses wore bandaids and also kept their mouths silent when it came to "swearing to God." Speaker Pelosi wore a bandaid on her nose during a t speech a week ago. these Band-Aids are symbols and are also connected to Satanic rituals practiced by Maria Abramovich who advocates who advocates "cutting open a ring finger to suck out the pain." cutting open a ring finger to suck out the pain. Both podesta and Obama were photographed wearing Band-Aids on these fingers. Pure Evil.

Amanda Nicolich said...

So...are those that wear the bandaids innocent? Do they have any idea they were cut by the Reptilians(ptw)?

@Watch said...

Thank you Lynn, just posting a link to an interview given by a retirerd Vaccines researcher who concludes:

“[These days,] If I had a child, the last thing I would allow is [my child to be vaccinated].”

mycale said...

Wow, that interview with a retired researcher is amazing. Lynn, will the medical cartel be defeated?

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@TheOnlyOne: The ultimate leader looks to be an Archon, but as far as humans go "G. Sore-Us" is pretty up there.

@Serene: You are right, but for now they want truth hidden.

@Robert: Interesting, Robert. Thanks for sharing. Yes, this darkness runs deep.

@Amanda: Some are, but most are fully aware what they are doing. They are all aware of what is happening...

@Watch: Interesting, thanks for sharing.

@mycale: Yes, but it will take time. Give it about 2 years and we will see another shift..

mycale said...

Thank you, Lynn. I'm glad another shift is only 2 years away. The people in this industry are really sick and twisted..

The enlightened one said...

Good point!

And to the person who requested this reading: Excellent topic! Very intriguing, I enjoyed this reading very much.