Q. With the end of 2019 approaching, and 2020 around the corner, I wanted to take a look ahead to see what we can expect. I also wanted to have a look at The Economist since this magazine usually publishes an interesting cover. A quick note before I continue, I am not a doctor, attorney or financial advisor. All of my responses come from a psychic, intuitive perspective. I hope you enjoy! I'd love to hear your thoughts as well (please leave a comment).
A. When I first tune into this, I get that there is a subliminal message (or rather several) being conveyed. 2020 jumps out, but 20/20 is also symbolic of having perfect vision (note 2020 and VISION are both in color). It is as if this illustrator is "seeing" an event or several events playing out (or projecting them into the collective). I get there is no coincidence that 2020 is followed by "TRUMP" and "EXIT" in the following rows as if the magazine has wishful intent that they "see" Tump's exit.
Politics / Government / The Swamp / Q:

I get the left will be in overdrive painting a picture of an euphoric society that can only be achieved through socialism. The presidential race will feel more like a socialist regime versus a capitalistic one. The values the US was founded on will be challenged like they never have been before, and the democrats look to try to evoke guilt or shame in order to gain voter support. It will come across that you are "morally bad" if you think any way other than their way. Slanderous terms ending in "obia" or "ist" will fly freely from their mouths to the point the the words no longer hold the same meaning.
In the end, I see that Hilary is seriously considering jumping back in, even entertains the idea when interviewed, but in the end she doesn't. It is more the emotion of being promised something that didn't come to fruition, and she feels owed. She doesn't have it in her to fight for this again, and realizes it. It looks like Biden is the choice, and the democrats feel that he has the best chance of beating Trump. Trump gladly takes the challenge and even though it feels to be very scandalous (some of the Powers That Were get exposed and go down for THEIR corruption), Trump wins. This is going to be a very long, very hard fight for him, so expect this election to be like no other.

The swamp continues to drain, and more and more execs step down. Some are forced, and some do it willingly because they know what they have been involved with, and don't want to be associated or implicated any further. They also realize the severity of the situation, and don't care to be added to the Klin-ton body count.

I see that Trump is somewhat sitting back and strategically allowing people to look foolish and get caught in their own lies. Once he is re-elected, he will really work hard to take some of these powerful people down. There looks like a surge of unsealed indictments coming forward, along with people disappearing and "accidental deaths."

The illuma-naughty looks to throw a last ditch effort by trying to manipulate the election and get their agenda back into play. I see that there in a timeline in force that no matter what they do, they will be blocked, but it doesn't stop them from trying. Many of them will realize that they have lessons to learn, but they will resist them along the way.
Q will become very active during the election. The drops on his message board will become even more clear. Watch for him to appear to be working with Trump revealing bits of information and hope for what is to come. There will be lots of "following the white rabbit"
Health / Outbreaks:
I don't really see too much happening with regard to this. The one thing that comes forward is some kind of illness in the mid summer (July?) tied to a small insect like a tic or mosquito. It was be some kind of newer version of something that already exists, and a "new" vaccine looks to be created as a result. Just listen to your instincts and don't fall prey to the fear. I get that the number and spread isn't near the projection, and it is just another way to market test drugs in specific demographic areas.
The climate will remain a hot topic, and Greta looks to stay in the public eye through the beginning of 2020. I see her popularity declining, and by fall/September she looks to be in the past. The PTW need something fresh and new to get people's attention. I get a false flag will take her place as something "eventful" and distracting will need to happen before the presidential election.
Worldwide Events:
Brexit looks to happen. I see a lot of hesitation for the EU to let it go through, but ultimately they cannot hold on any longer (I hear the phrase, "it's happening"). It looks like a back and forth tug of war until summer 2020, and even then there are some things to work out, but they finally get released. I get the impression that this "exiting" action is vilified, and It appears that those in control are worried that other countries will emulate what Britain did, and also try to leave. This is one of the main reasons that the EU is making this hard.

Russia fades in and out of the news. I see "Russia" being an old talking point, so the topic of Russia is more like "filler" when they have nothing else to talk about.
AI will be huge. It will be presented in such a way that people will find it exciting and embrace it without realizing the consequences. AI will be introduced as a way to replace people (even as far as robotized relationship partners) and we will become desensitized. AI will also be used in ways that breech privacy, and people allow it in the name of technology advancements. Privacy is breached willing on so many levels!
Space and Mars will be hot topics this summer / fall. This looks to be distractions when other events are going on. For example, when the media needs a new story, some breakthrough will happen to provide an emotion of hope, talking points and emotions of excitement. I see something about Mars, and there is either some kind of breakthrough or "live action" probe put on Mars. Something will be spotted and create a huge amount of interest, even though in reality it will be just like the Red Hot Chili Peppers said "space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement."
India was brought to my attention through an email. Someone stated to me: "Those living there are experiencing a government that is determined to create a division among communities. They passed a Citizen Act which will grant citizenship on the basis of religion instead of focusing on a main issue like economy. Their economy is not doing well and all major data is showing it going from bad to worse. What 2020 hold for India?"
I get the government in India is very stern in their beliefs. They will not back down regardless of the social unrest it causes. I look for a lot of protests, and things will get very emotionally driven. I look for the government to gain control by force rather than compromise or reason. India has a tough year of transition ahead of them. I also see many people either converting (or lying about) their religion, and some even move from India. The population looks to shift as well. I would expect India to undergo a huge change in 2020.
This is going to continue on for a few months until they get control. I feel like the government is intentionally allowing the fires to continue (putting little effort into snuffing them out) as a way to increase fear, and make people dependent. If people are in fear, they are easier to control, and they will feel they need the help of a greater entity. People are in a tough spot, and for the next few months I see this being a challenge. Even when the fires are out there will be time to recover. I would give Australia until March to see some major improvements..
Economy / Precious Metals / Stocks:
Economy / Precious Metals / Stocks:
I get the PTW are working to force a recession at the early to mid point of 2020. They want the markets to struggle while Trump is working to become re-elected. Not only is it tiring to work through and reverse a recession, it makes the re-election that much harder. Watch for trends, and be cautious of "fake news" that drives down the market. The "fake news" or bad news triggers mass selling as people with large amounts of shares "dump" back into the market.
When I look at the Economist cover, I see the "XI," and get that is a sign about "11," but I don't see it happening in the 11th month as that is too late in the year. I see this more as a sign that something will trigger on the 11th of the month in mid summer (symbology people out there, what do you get?).
Silver looks to do really well in 2020. I see the price of it slowly inclining. It looks to top out, or hold its' position at around $48 dollars an ounce. As the market starts to look at become shaky, precious metals look like a more secure investment to hold.
Disclosure / Spiritual / The Event:

People are opening up and waking up to the truth constantly. We are in the age of spiritual enlightenment. That will mean different things to different people, but we are moving in the direction of ascension. As we begin to incarnate on the 4D earth, our vibration as a collective is rising. There is a section of people that are set to repeat their next life cycle in the 3D, but many are ready or preparing to move on.
We will continue to receive energy surges as The Event approaches. People that are sensitive will continue to see their intuitive abilities increase. Things such as clairaudience, intuition and clairvoyance will be more noticed. Sensitive people may notice periods of fatigue, but that is tied to the constant upgrades your body is enduring and the processing of all the energy.
And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you to all of you for your support as the blog approaches it's eighth year! I also want to send a quick thank you to all of the Patrons out there! Happy New Year! Love and light, Lynn
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Thanks as always for the reading Lynn. What the real intent behind this citizenship bill by our govt & when to say India will undergo huge change in 2020 can you provide more details on the change's. One very imp think is our pm modi working for greater good. Thanks.
Thanks for the 2020 predictions but I am disappointed that there was no reading for China.
According to Craig Hamilton,there will be more and more protests across whole of China (especially the western Muslim region) and that will trigger a transition to a democratic system and Tibet will also become independent. What do you think of his readings?
Here is his video.
@Neeraj: He "thinks" he is protecting the country/culture. I see a lot of resistance, and people will try to fight it. I expect revolts and a lot of social unrest, but he will force this through. Some people will leave, and others will hide. It is going to be a very transitional time.
@Cyber: Thanks so much for sharing this. There may be some protests, but I didn't see a huge shift or change with China. They felt like they were going to continue on with their current momentum. Yes, they will be in the news, but I didn't have anything "shocking" come forward. I do appreciate you sharing the link though as others may want to look at it and see if anything resonates with them.
Hi, Lynn! Thanks for this reading! Can you describe “The Event”? What are we waiting for? What do you expect? When do you think it’ll happen? Thank you so much!
Thank you indeed as always Lynn.
"... As we begin to incarnate on the 4D earth, our vibration as a collective is rising. There is a section of people that are set to repeat their next life cycle in the 3D, but many are ready or preparing to move on...."
As always matters 4D are ever so interesting/informative /encouraging.....
Just to clarify, could you please confirm that 4D earth is ready, and souls will be starting to incarnate there soon..?
Thanks again and may you have a very pleasant New year filled with Cheer, Contentment and Fulfilment.
Wow! So much to digest 😁
Thanks again for your time and effort to maintain this blog 💖
Wishing you and your family lots of Love and Light for 2020!
Could you elaborate more on the Australian fires? It's very weird in my opinion, I heard a Fireman say the fires were "unusual and hotter than normal" - at the same time the govt announces they want to close down 90 small towns in NSW. Also rumours of the fires being along the path of a proposed railway line. So many lost homes, thousands homeless - is this a push to bring them into the city? (where we have thousands of new unit complexes built). I feel it's all to push us into a fear of Climate Change, but has nothing to do with this.
Thank you Ms. Lynn. This is also what I'm expecting as one of the choices (the other is the Tulsi Gabbard surprise though less likely.)
They also mentioned recession there. What's going to expect since there are more businesses closing or merging just to survive while having layoffs or change production to a more cheaper alternative. Do I need to prepare to what's happening? I'm not going to cower in fear but to be brave with things ahead. I'm one of those people who struggled to get a good work that I can be comfortable with within the year, full of ups and downs but was able to focus more on humility and spirituality after the first few months of the year. I'm also hoping to have someone that I can be with and to cooperate with one another.
Happy New Year Ms. Lynn! I read your predictions and watching your videos from time to time too (not yet on the Patreon/Subscribe Star one.)
@EC: It is so massive it is almost hard to put into words. It is both spiritual and physical. There is a mass awakening happening and The Event is enabling it with the constant energy surges. It is also the tied to the birth of a higher density earth where higher vibrational souls will be able to incarnate.
@Patrick: Yes, Patrick..it is starting to happen. :-)
@Hope: xoxo
@Chris: Yes, it is really about fear and control (as most things are). I do see them as intentional, or at least intentionally not being eradicated as efficiently as they should.
@chinny: I would pay close attention to the markets. There will be some businesses close due to this. People in general should always be prepared, and diversity in your investments (especially if you have a lot) will be very important. When in doubt, look for tangible "real" things to put your money in.
Thanks again for all the great comments! Happy New Year!
Are there physical symptoms to look for when our vibration increases?
Thank you Ms. Lynn for the response.
And Happy New Year too!
P.S. Also hopefully I would love to learn more about what my future would be in the first few years of the decade. Love life and marriage, work, finances, something.
Happy New Year Lynn, predictions are always risky and while The Economist certainly seems to want Trump's exit, I don't see how the election will be close but it will certainly be hard fought. the tragedy is the huge civil divided between people and I hope that Trump lays the blame at the Dems and deep state for creating it with propaganda and mass hordes invading our borders that has nothing to do with real immigration, which is about an individual's self-determination. Nothing could be worse for the US than a civil war which is exactly what they want. Trump has to become a peacemaker for the people here as well as those around the world.
Do you see a good thing for the world that many countries or regions become independent? Is it a good time to become independent (Britain, Catalonia, etc)?
I see the word Sion in the cover. Does it has any hidden meaning?
@Amanda: We can feel a variety of things as we "upgrade" or have vibrational changes. The biggest actually feel like the flu- just a little out of it, light headed, fatigue, nauseous. You may even have you balance be off and fluttering in your chest. I should say that if someone is feeling this, and they are concerned, they should see a dr to rule out anything serious.
@chinny: I'm happy to set up a reading. Just let me know.
@Robert: Well said. Thanks for the comments.
@Yad: I didn't pick up on anything with Sion (but I would love to hear if anyone else did). It is a good time to be independent- this is a trend that will increase over the next decade. We are in for lots of changes, and they feel good.
Thanks for all the comments! Happy New Year!
Yad I saw the word recesSION .Don't know if they were implying zion connection to this .
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