Monday, November 25, 2019

Removal of Monetary System

Q. Is there a future where the monetary system is removed, when almost all areas of human labor are covered by automation, like Star Trek for example? What would it look like?
A.  I do see between automation and AI, a lot of human labor will be replaced.  

I am then taken to an image of the "U-Scan" at Walmart.  You once used to wait in line and had someone check you out.  Now, you scan, pay and bag your own merchandise.  This isn't a full out automation system because human interaction is needed, but the use of technology is replacing human effort. 

I see this as just a baby step for what is to come.  In some factories there are enough robotics, automation and programmed systems that they run in the dark with very little human interaction.  This will continue to increase.  The cost of equipment is much cheaper than employees, issues tied to employees (sick time, performance reviews, vacations, training) and their benefit plans.  Programming equipment also cuts down on human error, and manufacturing and other factories see this being beneficial.

Within the next few generations, the automation will be more and more.  I'm not sure I see it like a "Star Trek," but definitely more computerized and mechanical.  

As far as money goes.  I see our financial system transitioning into electronic currency.  I hear the phrase "Cash is King, Down with the King."  It looks like paper currency will become a thing of the past, and even be discouraged.  The more we can be controlled and monitored, the more the PTW (Powers That Were) will push for it.  
(I have done readings on this topic, and will attach a few to the bottom of this post). 

I see the monetary system as different from what is going on with our automation, but both are going to change our lives and culture in a drastic way over the next 20 years.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you.  Love and light, Lynn

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Neeraj said...

Thanks for the reading Lynn.What Trump & White Hats are planning , how will they counter Cabal's plan to launch & control electronic currency? Off topic interesting event happened few month back where US navy for very first time acknowledge the existence of UFOs.What the real agenda behind the acknowledgement?

Ice said...

Regarding the lack of a monetary system, there are people who have lived and are living without being part of it. An internet search for "living without money" would give the likes of Mark Boyle, Daniel Suelo, Heidemarie Schwermer, Peace Pilgrim, and the Zeitgeist Movement.

Slightly differing motivations for each of them, but in common is an inner change on a person, a spiritual rebirth even. It is about sharing what's important without expecting or demanding in return, doing something for its own sake or for others without an ulterior motive (survival, control, self-gain, external reward). The reason for doing anything turns around when a symbol for gaining after giving is taken out. Deep stuff that the above names explain so much better.

mycale said...

I agree with Neeraj. I've read lots about how white hats are on the offensive now and influence this development into a hopefully more positive future.

What can you get on that? It does seem the PTW is finally beeing defeated, slowly but steadily.

At least that's what Benjamin Fulford, Cobra, serialbrain and David Wilcock seem to hint at. I do hope it's true and not deception.

Neeraj said...

Thanks @mycale for bringing up the source like Benjamin Fulford. His latest update is very interesting. According to his update "Final showdown with Elders of Zion looms", it seems this battle between light & dark is approaching its climax.How it will end lynn? I am with Edgar Casey - "Forces of light on earth shall overcome the forces of darkness. Complete spiritual enlightenment on earth will occur." What you think Lynn? Thanks.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Neeraj: That one is a difficult one to fight. The wheels have been in motion for a long time. I see them fighting to keep cash and also precious metals to counter this. I cannot see them necessarily fighting the electronic currencies, but they can work to keep alternate, more tangible currencies in force.

@Ice: Thank you, and good point. Thanks for sharing.

@mycale: You are right. It is and has been a tough battle, but the PTW are losing. I think I may do a post on this.. It really is a great topic. Even though it is frustrating to live through this, the PTW are being defeated.

Thank you so much for the comments! I look forward to doing a reading on these topics!

mycale said...

Awesome, thank you Lynn! I can't wait for that post.

TheOnlyOne said...

That is so funny, before i saw this post, i saw a star trek post.