Friday, November 22, 2019

Norse Gods

Q.  Hey, I love all your work!  I have some questions about the Norse Gods I was hoping you could answer.

Has Ragnarok already happened? It was always regarded as a prophecy in the stories, but always wondered if that already happened as it was a prophecy from an old civilization.

As I look at mythology, religion and even Gods of other cultures, I see a lot of overlap.  It is like the stories overlay each other, and it is really one event, person, etc and cultures pass on their stories as they remember, filling in the blanks to make sense of it all.  As the stories pass down, it is similar to the "telephone game" and subtle changes occur as the story continues on through the generations.

Specific to Ragnarok, I get this has occurred.  It occurred thousands of years ago.  This looks to have rooted back to when there was a great battle of ETs, and many fled or went underground.  Enki, who controlled the air and water (and not totally sure who this God was in Norse culture since I see all the overlap) created a "great flood" in which the sea level rose in this area.  As a result, many people perished, and the civilizations had to rebuild.  It took time, and there were several humans involved in the rebuilding.  It was a fresh and difficult start after having gone through a tough battle on earth.  

If they (the Norse Gods) are still around where do they stand on what is currently going on with the world?  Have they picked a side on things? Especially Odin, Loki, Thor, and Baldur. There were also two races among them the Aesir and the Vanir who were either Nordic Aliens, Enlightened beings or true deities, etc?
As I look at the two races, I see the Aesir race as human and grounded, whereas the Vanir were the Nordic ETS. 

The Norse Gods listed above look  as though they were here on earth.  They all had unique properties, and were human / ET hybrids.  They were actually both Aesir and Vanir, and looked to stand tall very tall, and towered over humans.  I would say 7 to 8 feet tall with light colored hair and skin.  

They are not currently here on earth, but do hover over in spirit (I see something that looks like a fiery comet or fireball caused them to perish??).  They do guide and protect over their lands.  Those that worship the earth and are very in tune to the vibrations of the earth can feel their presence.

And that is all I have for this reading.  Thank you for the great suggestion!  Love and light, Lynn

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