Thursday, November 7, 2019


I wanted to talk about Orgonite.  Many of you know my husband makes it, and I wanted to share the story of how we learned about it and my experience... I know a picture is worth a thousand words, so imagine how much a video conversation is worth.  This really is a cool story, so if you have a chance to listen, I think you might enjoy it (above).  But, if you are at work 🙂 or aren't where listening is convenient, I still wanted to put my story in writing... 

One day I, came home from a Psychic Development class excited to tell my husband about something cool I experienced.  The group had exchanged a random object to do an exercise (psychometry), and the item I chose was an Orgonite pendant.  As I held it in my hand it felt like my intuition was some how enhanced.  I connected with someone's grandma, and started to get messages immediately.  I wasn't sure what I was holding, but knew I wanted some for myself.  I learned it was called Orgonite and I couldn't wait to share this with my husband.  

My husband, being a curious and scientific person, went online to read about Orgonite.  It is a combination of crystal and metallic components compressed in a resin which results in an amplifying effect of the crystal.  It appears my experience was not unique, and others have shared in this as well.  He decided to explore his artistic side, began to make some for me, and realized others may enjoy it too.  

We cannot make any medical or scientific claims, but many people (including myself) find Orgonite to:
• Allow for better sleep, vivid dreams and more energy
• Decrease sensitivity to EMFs and remove negative energy
• Enhance spiritual growth and deepen meditations
• Improve immune system function
• Boost plant growth

If you would like to purchase some of your own, please contact me.  I have a few pics of some he currently has for sale under the Orgonite tab, but he can also do custom orders.  The ideas are limitless.

Love and light, 


Craig said...

Can these be used for radon mitigation?

Robert Schoen said...

Orgone is one of the best and most empowering things you can have in your house. it raises the Feng shui and helps protect against EMF, Wi-Fi another transmitted radiation. I have one of Rob's pyramids and it's awesome!

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Craig: They definitely can help. Orgonite helps to clear all kinds of things.

@Robert: Glad you like it. xoxo-

Serene said...

Craig...I'm so glad you asked about radon. Thank you very very much! :)

Karoline said...

Good to know your husband makes them. I have two orgonites that I bought a while back, and have next to me on my night stand. However, I don't have vivid dreams, and dont feel nothing magical, but I do love the beauty of it, and that it shields from EMF.

Psychic Focus, Lynn said...

@Karoline: I'm glad you have had a positive experience with orgonite. You may even sit it in a moonlight to clear and charge the crystals in them. It may help with the dreams. :-)