Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Chakra Series: 8 of 9 / Crown Chakra

Hi everyone!  I am back with the 8th installment of my series dedicated to Chakras.  I'm hopeful that you have learned some insightful information that you can incorporate into your life, meditations or even have mindful self-reflection.  I would like to continue on discussing the Crown Chakra, why it is important and some crystals and oils that can enhance work on this energy center of the body.  I hope you enjoy, and please feel free to leave comments below.  

8 of 9:  Crown Chakra (Color:  Indigo / Violet) 
This Chakra is important when making connections to your higher self and also for self-reflection.  This energy center is the gateway to the Universal energies from above.  Spirituality, selflessness and empathy are also housed in this Chakra.

If you find yourself wanting to strengthen your spiritual connection, or feel you need some healing in this area, you may want to work on this Chakra.  Nourishing the energy and keeping this chakra clear helps to enhance the connection to your higher self and allow you to have more clarity in various situations.

Physical symptoms can also arise from trauma or energy blockages in this area.  Headaches, migraines or even memory issues can arise if this Chakra needs some attention.

Clear crystal quartz and Selenite are both high vibrational crystals that work well with the Crown Chakra.  The advantage to Selenite is it is self cleansing, and can keep other crystals clear when placed near it.  Selenite is also a good choice to have near your bed to offer protection during sleep since our subconscious is freely flowing. 

I like to put these near me when I meditate.  I most always chose clear crystal quartz when I do readings as it offers protection, and also raises vibrations as I tune into other people.


Frankincense and Myrrh are great oil choices to aid in opening and healing this chakra.  I suggest applying them to the base of the head, or diffusing them during meditation or throughout the day.

(As I publish a weekly segment, I will tag them "Chakra Series" to you can readily pull the post up for your reference).

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