Q. On the June 21, 2020 summer solstice the geometry of the structures at Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid will replicate in the sky in exact proportion to their structures. My question is what so special about this alignment and how will this alignment impact humanity?
A. [This is an interesting video explaining the astronomy. I would recommend watching, but keep an open mind...Don't go to the fear..]

When I focus on this, I get that everything works in a cycle, and all cycles work with and within each other. I see it being shown to me like the inner workings of a clock, and how all the gears work in harmony with each other. Just as the gears individually move, they work in unison with the surrounding gears creating one working, larger thing. The individual gears are like (or symbolic of) the individual cycles within the Universe. When the individual cycles intertwine, they create the workings of the Universe. Everything can be broken down into it's finite entity, and together become something quite amazing.
This alignment is once such cycle that is coming together. This has happened before, and was marked by these monolithic and magnificent structures. I get that when this happened before, there was an energetic shift (versus a physical shift) that washed over earth.
So what does that mean? For sensitive people, I see some kind of spiritual shift occurring. I see this as a time for purging and releasing. People will feel a slight disconnect between there spiritual self and 3D self (much like "groggy" or "medicine head" feeling). Grounding will be more important than ever as we move through this.
I also see the real "push and pull" will occur through the heart chakra. People will feel flutters and sometimes pressure in the chest (use good judgement, and if you need medical help don't ignore it.). I see the energy enter through the chest and want to exit to ground through your feet.
Don't fear this alignment. We are upon exciting times. Embrace the shift as we ascend together (come on 4D!).
And that is all I have for this reading. Love and light, Lynn
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I had a vivid dream last month where I was standing on the hill in our back yard with several others that I did not recognize. I could see a blueish/green light that was rolling across the hills, like a fog rolling in and I could feel the energy of the light deep inside me. I intuitively knew that this was the Event that we've all been waiting for. Without any sense of fear, I just laid down and allowed the energies to saturate me. Over and over the energetic weaves came in and with every new wave, the vibrational frequency of my body increased and I could feel myself expanding more and more. I woke up to the realization that this must have been a glimpse into the future and yet, I had no conception for the timing involved with this event. Perhaps there's a correlation to the alignments of the Stars and the Pyramids on June 21, 2020, for the timing of the grand awakening/Event of Humanity.
@BobbyOfEarth Beautiful
I wonder where they learned all this and what else they knew that we have forgotten?
Whatever their motivation was to build this, it must have been important if you consider all the time and effort it must have taken without modern conveniences.
I wonder if there would be any benefits to building o housing community based on
Pi, Phi, and the values they used here?
@Raymond: I know... there has been a lot forgotten, and sometimes intentionally suppressed. I do see a benefit- it feels very healing and spiritual (the energy in a structure like that would be amazing!).
Please note that Stonehenge is a RECREATION. Archaeologists repositioned the jumbled stones in the '50s. There are newspaper accounts of it. It may not be the same thing that it was, long ago.
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