Q. Can you do a brief reading on Dogman? This would be an interesting reading..

A. I know in the past I have worked on this topic. Oddly, I have a difficult time connecting to it/him, but I will try to get what I am able to access.
I do get a darker creature like this exists, but I see him more in an energetic form versus a 3D form. I see he can manifest physcially, but doesn't "live" in the 3D for long periods of time. He looks to be rooted from the Sirius star system, and is an energetic deviation from the Canine/Dog ETs.
He looks to float in an out of 3D, much like a Bigfoot, however, Bigfoot is a very spiritual, high vibe being, whereas Dogman is not. I further get that many times when people think something evil has happened at the hands of Bigfoot, it is really Dogman doing this (Bigfoot is not an evil being!).
Dogmen have been around for centuries, and this is where the concept of "werewolves" come from. I see a full moon, and realize that the energies of the full moon allow them to shift into and out of the 3D more easily (there is some connection???).
In keeping with the concept of "werewolves" I was then curious if "silver bullets" or something of that nature could actually "kill" a dogman. I do not see silver bullets killing him, but they do "burn" him if he is in a 3D manifestation at the time of contact. He does look to be scared of "silver" in general.
Thanks for the reading suggestion! That is all I have, but look forward to the comments! Love and light, Lynn
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What is their life like?
I'd love to hear more about Dogmen readings, I've actually had several encounters with them. Two were very scary and life threatening.
If they are really ET from the star Sirius, why did they come to Earth in the first place?
I have had two encounters myself and yes the moon was very full at the time and I had a 'dream' where I was taken by some human looking tall aliens and they had dogmen guards who had weapons even. So looks like all different types of that kind. I know one thing our dogs do not like them.
You know how cats were left here by the feline ets and all that? I wonder if the Et had some pet dog projects gone wrong that they dumped here... or did some other species take the canine dna and manipulate it?? It’s not like we see evil cat people prowling around during full moon so it’s rather interesting that it’s limited to the sirians.
Wait.. what if the lower dimension is some kind of sirian “hell” and we’re seeing some of their “naughty” canine companions spirits.. like dogman ghosts 😬
Awesome reading btw! Perfect for Halloween! Lol. In case anyone else is interested- The one I saw had light sandy colored hair and it was long! He was taller than my car. I don’t go in that area at night anymore... only during the day!
I've connected psychically with Trolls a couple of times. They are very interesting. Not a lot of them, and they live pretty far underground coming to surface very rarely. They are physical but live a largely spiritual/mental life. They don't move very much. They are kinda like giants sloths in a sense...except they are 4th density and very intelligent. Try to connect to them...it's worth it.
How do you connect to them?
@TheOnlyOne: It feels very primal, like their focus is survival.
@Johnathan: Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you enjoyed this.
@Alex: To experience 3D. Not many places can provide a 3D experience, and earth is a special place for that.
@SB: Thank you for sharing your story. I am certain you are not alone.
@RL: Thanks for the comments. Interesting take on it being a genetic "mishap." I think you could be right. Thanks again for the insight.
@Darryl: Thanks for the suggestion. :-)
@mycale: I set protection (they are dark), relax my mind, and mentally connect. At times I "see" them, and other times I feel like my guides have a filter in place and relay things to me..
Thank you again everyone for all the great comments! Hugs!
I know this is another group of psychics but I still found a lot of what you got they got too Lynn. I don't know if anyone has heard of this group though very interesting as well.
What’s funny is the topic of Giant sloths have popped up several times in the last week alone. Before last week I hadn’t heard about them... now it’s like they’re everywhere! Even in normal news.. there’s an article where they explain how tunnels inside earth were dug by giant sloths. Very interesting!
Yeah, I just googled that. Pretty crazy. There were very large sloths in North America like 20,000+ years ago. I believe they disappeared around the same time as the sabertooth tiger. My impression of these Trolls is that they have been around a very long time. They live a lot longer than we do and are very positive creatures. They like peace and harmony and they help balance some of the negative energy we create on the surface. They travel through the inner cave system but generally don't move around much. They don't eat much so their physical energy level is commeserate with their food intake. If you were to find one of the surface...it would very capable of defending itself. They don't have ANY technology and just don't need it. Their eyes are adapted to these deep inner caves, which have a very dim glow to them. It would look like pitch black to us but they can see. They would be blinded by the light if they came to the surface during the day. Even our night is very bright to them. They live with just their immediate family and those family bond are very tight. You could also think of them as the ultimate zen masters. Material things have no meaning to them. They are devoid of attachment in the Buddhist sense of attachment. Ah...sorry. I kind of lost myself there for a minute and rambled on...
@SB: Thanks for sharing!
@RL and Darryl: Thanks so much for sharing! I had not heard about this either!
I believe these things are actual real werewolves (humans shape shifting), Ive poured over 100s of sighting reports, many of them, the creature has on ripped or torn up clothing, add to that, they are mainly seen very close to highly inhabited areas, but sightings are fairly rare for the most part...(its not always in this form)...I think the people that have this 'affliction' go to a local wooded area when its going to happen. Im researching a case that happened near me in 2008 at a bowling alley, 4 witnesses saw an 8ft dogman wearing human clothing, police came, sketch artist rendered a drawing even, ( I knew the police sketch artist personally), there are some very odd details about this case, the police report is 'unavailable', they say it was transferred to a higher agency.
@Mike: Thanks for sharing. I can def see that perspective.. Interesting!
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