Monday, August 12, 2019

By Request: How To (or How I) Channel

Q.  Lynn, Can you please do a post or video on Channeling?  How do you Channel.  

A.  First, I must say that this is not something to be taken lightly.  It isn't a game, and needs to be approached responsibly and seriously.  Even though I have done it, there is an element of control that must be relinquished that I am not comfortable with, so I choose NOT to channel and focus more on mediumship (because you still maintain control of your body).  The following is a brief overview of how to do this, but if you would like to do this yourself, you. should do some study on the topic.

Having said that... first, always set protection.  Make sure you are confident and concise white setting it.  You want to ensure that only the highest vibrational beings are around.  You should also call upon your guides for protection and to guide you through the process.  They are there to help, and are happy to support you.  Use their strength to ensure a positive experience.  Also focus on white light.  See the light and feel the light close in around you like a warm blanket. 

Next, frame your intent.  Know what you want to do, and be clear.  You do not want to connect with just any being, you want to have a clear idea of who or what group you are giving permission to channel through you.  

After all protections and intent are in place,begin with a meditation.  After your body is relaxed and you have cleared and balanced all chakras, begin visualizing yourself leaving your body.  You will most times leave out of the top of your head or your forehead.  Focus on that visualization until you are able to detach.  Sometimes you will see yourself lying or sitting there, and other times you go on what feels like an astral trip.  

Meanwhile, another being or energy will use your body like a vehicle to deliver a message.  You most likely will have no recollection or visual of this happening.  Once the message is delivered, and the being leaves, your guides will ensure you return to your physical body.  It may take a moment to feel "fully returned," but you will come to just like you would in a deep meditation or light sleep.  

Finally, take a moment to have gratitude to your guides, make sure you are spiritually detached from the experience by closing yourself and sending any spirit back. 

If you have any other questions, please let me know.  Again, please take this very seriously. 

And that is all I have for this reading.  Love and light, Lynn

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Alex said...

What are the pros of channeling versus medium? Isn't it risky for another being to use your body and then never leave? The medium can just talk to the other being and complete the same task.

Lynn White, Focus Sessions said...

@Alex: I agree. I feel like the same message can be accomplished via mediumship versus allowing a full channeling. Some people just like to channel (a skill they have developed and enjoy). Channeling just makes you very vulnerable, and I don't prefer it.

TheOnlyOne said...

Thank you. I can make my astral self leave my body, but I can't see what my astral self sees, but my physical body can feel what my astral self feels. -Haley